View Full Version : smoking and recovery

26-02-07, 15:52
Hi all,

I'm going through recovery for a panic attack (albeit a small one), with the usual chronic anxiety.

Last time this happened, I gave up smoking straight away (on about 20 cigarettes a day). I experienced no problem, as the amount of adrenalin runniing through me effectively killed any withdrawal!

Now, I smoke about 7 small cigars a day. As it's not as bad this time, I'm wondering if the trauma of giving up will add to my anxiety, or if I'm best off just quitting.

Thanks in advance!

Best wishes,


26-02-07, 16:01
Hi Alex.My honest opinion?I dont think our anxiety reacts if we smoke or not,it is US who look for reactions in things!It may be perfume or petrol fumes,i have thought before now that certain orange sqush has pre empted a panic attack it's the fear of the fear.I was a heavy smoker with anxiety and panic attacks and now i am a non smoker with anxiety and panic attacks!!:ohmy: Hey ,if you enjoy the occasional cigar,have them,if you want to kick the habit ,you will.Good luck whatever you decide:) I hope you feel well today .xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

27-02-07, 04:15
i hope your anxiety subsides. Quitting smoking will eventually stabilise your anxiety levels.... i think.......

when i quit smoking i was anxious that i was not needing nicotine. very strange, i tried to explain this to the NHS stop-smoking person and my GP and they had no idea. i think making any sort of change is a good thing, and being reliant/addicted to anything will make things a tiny bit more complex.

28-02-07, 02:38
Hi all - anxiety apart, quitting smoking is the single most contributing factor you can do ever to improve your health.

I did write a really long post to sum up smoking and anxiety (I smoke by the way, so am just as guilty). Rather than listen to me rattle on, have a look at this http://www.ash.org.uk/html/factsheets/html/fact15.html

I think you may all be suprised, if not even shocked.
