View Full Version : Worried about pancreatic cancer

26-01-16, 20:50
For past few days about mid afternoon I am getting a pain just below my left rib. I seem to have alot of noisy gurglings and poppings and the pain has stopped me sleeping.
I was guessing it was a wind/bowel problem and I think I have had had this problem many years ago but I stupidly googled left rib pain and it came up with pancreatic cancer.
My Dr was only a few weeks ago reassuring me that I did not have bone cancer as I am having shoulder problems!
I am seeing him tomorrow about my shoulder problem and I so want to ask him for tests to rule out pancreatic cancer but I daren't tell him my fear so soon after the bone cancer one!
Anyone else had pain under/round left rib and is still alive and kicking?

26-01-16, 20:54
I've had exactly the same fears as you in the past. Pain under the left rib is quite common and usually linked to indigestion. I get it frequently!

26-01-16, 21:00
Thanks for replying, much appreciated

27-01-16, 00:48
I had that problem too. Still do last year I went through a PC and CCA scare because of it. Had blood work fecal occult test stool samples and an ultrasound all is well. My GI docs said it was skeletal muscular and not to worry about PC.

27-01-16, 14:17
Thanks. Realistically I think it is either from my very bad back or my IBS and my husband says " oh have you got that again" because I have had it in the past and even ended up in hospital with it about 8 years ago.

Of course its the " what if this time" thats my problem!

27-01-16, 17:17
I am exactly the same. I have probably had pain in that area on and off for the past 10 years. I often attribute it to pancreatic cancer too, but obvioulsy it can't be. Now I am starting to worry that by 'denying' pancreatic cancer, somehow I will get it. :wacko:

27-01-16, 18:27
Hi Pigeon - yes its the thought - as soon as I don't worry will be time I should worry- with this thought we def can't win can we!

Saw my GP today about my shoulder problem and am having a mri scan and had a long chat ( booked a double appt) about my long history of extreme pain and endless tests and hospital visits. He thinks I have fibromyalgia as well as my spinal problems but surprisingly he said that it isn't a good idea to get a label of this as its impossible to say yes or no and some Drs will then blame all pains on fibro. I asked him how I can know whether I should see a Dr or not and he said you can't know and I should just go and see him. He also said that if he thought I was wasting his time he would tell me which is good to know. He is very forthright which some people don't like but I like that I can discuss my fears with him.

21-03-16, 19:45
I know this is an old thread, but I have this fear right now myself. I have had left shoulder pain for the past 4 weeks or so...nothing really horrible, but enough pain that I am very aggravated by it. I know I am an HA sufferer so I waited a few weeks and booked an appointment with an orthopedic on Thursday. However, over the weekend the pain has spread to my left shoulder blade and my left rib under the breast. Could this all be muscular? I am worried because from what I've read it could be spleen or pancreatic :( I hate to go to the orthopedic and have him do an MRI to find out it's nothing and then go have more tests with another doctor. Do you think the orthopedic would know anything about referred pain o the left shoulder if he doesn't believe it's muscle related? A little worried now..

21-03-16, 22:11

Me too, the same strange feeling under my rib which is only really there when I sit down and my torso is 'crunched up' - almost like I've got a hernia, if I straighten up or hold the area it goes away. Sometimes I feel if I lost some weight it may go away. I've also been pretty constipated lately (a problem I've had off and on since childhood) which seems to make it worse.

If I'm sensible, I think it's to do with gas and digestion (I'm menopausal and I think one of the many symptoms is excessive wind!) but I have fears it's pancreatic cancer as every day you seem to hear about another celebrity or Daily Mail horror story related to this condition. I suppose it's because it's so hard to treat that it's one of the scariest.

Can I just ask, when you say left rib is that your left rib or left as if someone were looking at you? My strange feeling is under my right rib, or left if you were looking at me.

21-03-16, 23:15
Mine is on my actual left side, which would be pancreatic related..hopefully it's just muscular

22-03-16, 16:22
I'm having the same pain. It seems to go away and come back. If I'm in a weird position it comes back. It actually radiates down my arm and my neck. When I stretch the side it feels good. I'm hoping it's muscular and not related to lungs or the pancreas but I'm convinced I have cancer and am dying. I'm terrified.

22-03-16, 16:29
I'm having the same pain. It seems to go away and come back. If I'm in a weird position it comes back....I'm convinced I have cancer and am dying. I'm terrified.

Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. It doesn't come and go nor does it stop once it starts. If indeed you had cancer and it progressed to the point of feeling pain, the pain wouldn't subside and just continue to worsen.

Positive thoughts

22-03-16, 16:41
pancreatic cancer is an aggressive form of cancer that doesnt really show symptoms until its too late.. so if you have had this a number of years, its highly unlikely you have it.. even more unlikely the fact your young

22-03-16, 16:43
Pancreatic cancer is even rare amongst old people and it's and old people disease. The paind you would experience would be very intense and you would turn yellow. I'm pretty sure you're experiencing anxiety symptoms only.

22-03-16, 19:17
I had my chest x-ray done on Friday and today my doctor called me. He said the chest x-ray looked normal except that it looked like I had a small pocket of air. Now, he didn't exactly say the name of whatever it is, but I googled around a bit for "trapped air in lungs, air in lungs" and Costochondritis came up. I'm not going to diagnose myself with it because he didn't mention this. He only said trapped air which he said should resolve itself on its own. He even mentioned that if he had me take another x-ray right now, it wouldn't be there anymore.

I'm still feeling the pain unfortunately and hopefully it resolves itself on its own. I have acid reflux with stress and acidic foods, so I am really trying to just relax right now.

22-03-16, 20:46
Been havin' a pain right below the left rib very often, and also gurgling or windy movements in my abdomen, I do have IBS so maybe that’s it.