View Full Version : Anxiety - Commute or stay in uni residence? Help please!

26-01-16, 22:12
Im currently in the uni halls, ive developed stress anxiety and panic attacks occur alot as i have 5 full days off!

I dont get along with my flatmates ( no chance of being friends )

i stayed behind a year so therefore no friends who i started with.

Im paying about £99 a week rent not including food. i also go home every week due to not being able to cope with 5 days alone.

I workout, i eat healthy, i have meds for the problem but i feel i need to go home and commute.

im in 2 days a week and the commute would be about 2 hours each way ( straight through train)

Its my final year also

thanks for help

04-02-16, 14:15
I was in a similar position but had a flat with a uni friend. I hated being away from home and I fell out with my flat mate. It was my final year of uni and I was so stressed. I ended up going home every night and driving in every day, which was an hour drive each day through rush hour traffic each way. I felt better knowing Id be going home and feeling comfortable even though there was more travelling. It's certainly doable, especially with a train rather than driving, since you can work on the train too. Plus you say it's only 2 days and you do a lot of independent work in your final year!

However, I did waste a lot of money on rent which I didn't get the use out of because I was always going home!