View Full Version : Tonsil cancer? Is it rare?

26-01-16, 23:07
I'm getting really exhausted with my health anxiety.. To the point sometimes I feel like you know what if I die I die why make myself feel this way. I just wanna not worry about something for a whole day!!!

Anyways, I never knew tonsil cancer was a thing & actually google didn't cause this.. I read a thread on here while searching for tonsil stones and it sent me on an irrational path.

Basically I never knew about tonsil stone till I would say a couple monthes ago when I discovered I had one! I easily popped it out with a Qtip. And I noticed how much different it made my swallowing feel. I had kept feeling like I was having difficulty swallowing and didn't know why. Turns out it was the tonsil stone. Well fast forward to now I was getting that slight discomfort when swallowing again and I decided to check and there was another tonsil stone & in the same place. I took it out last night and felt the same relief. I honestly feel like I never got these (I guess as far as I know) before until a couple monthes ago. Not sure what causes them because I'm good about brushing my teeth and wearing my retainer. I'm 21. I don't smoke at all and rarely drink. Anyways, upon this tonsil stone Buisness I have now realized my left tonsil seems bigger than my right. It was like the this a couple monthes ago the last time I had the tonsil stone too and i don't know if it's always like that or not. Never been so observant of the back of my throat till now honestly. Now I'm scared about tonsil cancer though! Does anyone else get tonsil stones or have tonsils that aren't perfectly the same ? Need some reassurance that it's not me or tonsil cancer. I feel so stupid now worrying about this but it's too late now.. I've gone down that road. Please help :unsure: !

Gary A
26-01-16, 23:39
Tonsil cancer is exceptionally rare. Tonsil stones are very common and are in no way a red flag that suggests cancer. You may have had a minor infection which would cause both the stone and a slight swelling.

Tonsil cancer would present as an enlarged tonsil, enlarged aggressive lymph nodes in the same side, nausea, drastic weight loss, abdominal pain and fever. Even if you had each and every one of those symptoms, the chances of tonsil cancer are still millions to one. The tonsils are a part of the lymphatic system, a cancer in that system would present much the same as any other cancer in the area.

You do not have tonsil cancer, it really is as simple as that.

27-01-16, 00:31
You do not have tonsil cancer, it really is as simple as that.

Exactly. I'm an oral cancer survivor. Tonsil stones are not cancer (period)"."

Positive thoughts