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View Full Version : CAT scan showed Clear! Should i celebrate?

27-01-16, 05:59
My CAT scan for Stroke/Brain Tumor showed clear last sunday, with the blood and urine tests still to be determined, which has me really anxious. I trust the doctor that the CAT scan said i've no cancer, but what will the blood and urine results show? Am i being too paranoid, or is this something deeper? Also, i've still leftover symptoms like

Change in gait (Veeery minor, my folks say i'm still walking the same)

Weakened sensation in arms and legs, although i can still feel, and move them, also the needing to pop my finger a lot.

Nagging, yet infrequent cough from last week, although i trust that to go away on it's own.

No reported droopiness in face/eyelids (Thank god!)

Although my high pitch/range has disappeared, my speech is still as fluent as ever,and i can still be understood.

I can still see,and type, and recently passed on online vision test, as well as memory. Although my sense of humor has changed a lot, and i'm not eating as much as i used to.

Minor jittering in hands, painless headaches are seeming to go away though.

Not to mention, this started from a chest cold from last week. I'm grateful CAT scan was clear, but should i still worry? Am I going to be okay? What is all of this? I really need peace of mind so this fear won't rule over my life!

27-01-16, 07:56
Most of what you describe sound like anxiety symptoms, well similar to mine anyway. I expect the anxiety has been worse because you've been ill? Happens to me too, unfortunately.

27-01-16, 16:41
I never knew that's what Anxiety does to people, but yeah, i guess it's because of this damned chest cold that i'm thinking Anxiety is a brain tumor, when more often than not, it's sooo many other things. Anxiety symptoms cam mimic brain tumor symptoms y'know. I need to learn how to relax, or maybe find a brain doctor.

27-01-16, 17:20
CAT scan showed Clear! Should i celebrate?

Are you kidding?! Think about all those (including myself) that would be jumping for joy and celebrating had they gotten that result!

Positive thoughts

27-01-16, 18:08
You're right, positive thoughts, can't let fears, and a few weaknesses rule over me, especially that i've now realized my clean bill of health! I should really start trusting. The doctors,myself, and god. I do apologize for what happened/may have happened, but rest assured, things are gonna get better from here on out!

28-01-16, 00:03
You're right, positive thoughts, can't let fears, and a few weaknesses rule over me, especially that i've now realized my clean bill of health! I should really start trusting. The doctors,myself, and god. I do apologize for what happened/may have happened, but rest assured, things are gonna get better from here on out!

Apologize for what? Taking a positive approach and attitude is 90% of the battle. Keep working at it. One step and one day at a time. One step forward and two steps back soon becomes one step forward an one step and then two steps forward and one step back etc. I can tell you from experience that continuing to put one foot in front of the other eventually gets you to your destination.

Positive thoughts

28-01-16, 01:14
But i sometimes do wonder about the night coughs, and my vocal range. (I can speak well, and normally, and even hum to the music, but whenever I use my high pitch/range, it's raspy,and hoarse). Also decreased sensation to touch, although i can still feel pain, taste foods, and smell..smells.

28-01-16, 03:44
You're hyper-focused on physical sensations.... It's a typical reaction to one who suffers from health anxiety. Look into therapy and/or meds to help you control the irrational thoughts.

Positive thoughts