View Full Version : New & terrified - about to travel overseas for a year

27-01-16, 10:37
Hi everyone,

I have no idea how this forum works as I have never even used a forum before!

But I am really looking for some support over the coming year as I embark on will be both the best and most terrifying thing that has ever happened to me. My partner and I are going on a year long trip to Central America, the States and Europe. We are from New Zealand and I have barely travelled so this is HUGE for me.

My biggest fear is the panic attacks in strange places, so far away from home. I am on 75mg Clomipramine daily (for anxiety/OCD) and am also shitting myself about losing my medication, having it confiscated etc etc.

I have suffered anxiety attacks since I was 14 years old. To me, I can't think of anything scarier. I've said before I think I'd rather a gun held to my head than experience waves of panic attacks where I feel like I'm simultaneously dying and going crazy.

I will avoid coffee but I can't say I will avoid alcohol altogether... in fact I know I will be drinking a lot although I know what it does to me... Helps at the time and then makes it FAR worse the next day/week.

I enjoy almost nothing in life these days and that's plaguing my mind also... what if I still don't want to get out of bed and even bloody ancient mayan ruins don't make me happy/excited?!?!?!?

On top of all that I am also a recovered anorexic and the prospect of gaining a lot of weight is also scaring me....

I just really need some tips, motivation and just all round support as I feel like I don't have this with my partner who unfortunately doesn't completely understand (although he tries!!).

Hoping to make some friends who I can support also xx

27-01-16, 10:42
Hiya ardw and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes: