View Full Version : Morning headaches...

27-01-16, 10:38
For the past month or so I've been waking up with headaches every morning that will usually last the whole day. Sometimes they go by the evening but I will wake up with it again the next day. Has anyone else ha this kind of thing before lasting for so long? Just over a year ago an ophthalmologist told me my optic discs were enlarged indicating cranial pressure, but after 2 brain MRIs and a neurologist looking, he concluded that they were not enlarged, although the ophthalmologist still insisted they were...

Anyway these morning headaches have made me worried that there is some sort of cranial pressure going on, although typically headaches from that are made worse by bending down, coughing etc, which mine aren't. Could they be some sort of tension headache? But for this long? My brain also feels generally 'out of it', like brain fog. I can't seem to string thoughts together or focus properly.

In other news, I started Sertraline on Monday finally, although I feel like it might have been a mistake to start it while I'm getting these headaches/out of it feelings, as now, especially today, I'm experiencing quite bad nausea which I suspect is from the medication... but I'll keep going. :/

27-01-16, 11:18
Please don't let these tension headache symptoms escalate into another health anxiety issue? You have been tested enough-give yourself time to settle on the sertraline?

27-01-16, 11:45
I'm sticking with the Sertraline for sure, and am currently in the waiting room for my CBT session so I'm doing all I can to combat the anxiety... These headaches really are making me feel crap, was just wondering if anyone else has had them before for weeks?

27-01-16, 11:57
KayeS, I'm sure you know yourself that the headaches are most likely tension? The sertraline can increase your anxiety to begin with also so it could possible be making you worry more about this? I often get headaches especially if I'm anxious/stressed/worn out, they are called tension headaches because the muscles in your head are constantly tense! I've never questioned why they occur, it's just not something I've ever thought about?

27-01-16, 13:18
To answer your question I have had tension headaches which lasted for 6 months, all day, every day. You haven't got a brain tumour.

27-01-16, 13:28
I've had them loads. Headaches have been a common symptom for me and I've had stages where they had the pattern you describe and were daily for 2-3 months. The brain fog too, a classic anxiety issue.

It's like Kimberley says, tension. Sleep issues are a possibility or posture. It's worth staying hydrated too. I've often found certain foods make them worse too. Ham & cheese sandwiches were making mine far worse.

You could try Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) before bed and in the morning which may help with the tension. Your therapist should have a worksheet for this but there are plenty online if not. It's an old technique from the 1920's but they still advocate it today.

Ask yourself if it seems worse the last few days. If the answer is yes, don't give in to it because it is probably the Sertraline whether intensifying the symptoms or the anxiety into focusing on them.

There is never a good time to start meds and within reason you just have to take the leap and battle through. I'm glad you've not been put off though, it's so easy to talk yourself out of them. Hopefully the nausea won't last, I've found on both my meds it was just the first 2 days before that symptom went.

Let your therapist know you have just started and they can help to keep you on track.

27-01-16, 13:32
I'm sticking with the Sertraline for sure, and am currently in the waiting room for my CBT session....

Good for you for starting the meds! You know there's a ramp up period that can increase anxiety symptoms before kicking in. When you go into your CBT session, talk about this with your counselor and also tell them you were logged onto an anxiety forum the entire time looking for reassurance while you were waiting. Ask them what they think of that as well.

Positive thoughts

27-01-16, 13:34
CBT was good today in terms of discussing everything, including the medication which she was quite knowledgeable about. These headaches suck but I guess I just have to get on with it.

The way the medication is making me feel is actually quite funny to me lol. Almost as if I've had a shot of Vodka haha

---------- Post added at 13:34 ---------- Previous post was at 13:33 ----------

Good for you for starting the meds! You know there's a ramp up period that can increase anxiety symptoms before kicking in. When you go into your CBT session, talk about this with your counselor and also tell them you were logged onto an anxiety forum the entire time looking for reassurance while you were waiting. Ask them what they think of that as well.

Positive thoughts

Discussed a lot and identified my need for constant reassurance and certainly about things today. She cottoned onto it very quickly without me actually highlighting it. I do feel positive about the combo of CBT and medication... I'll feel a lot better when they start to work though lol.

27-01-16, 13:52
That's all really positive stuff! For the first week I felt a little drunk at times, but it didn't impact my life at all I still drove myself about and was at work all day. It's just a bit of an odd feeling! I've also never taken it without food as I was told that this would reduce the likelihood of feeling sick!

27-01-16, 13:56
Every time you post on here asking for reassurance you are working against your CBT techniques to control your HA. I'm sure your therapist will have advised you against doing this.

27-01-16, 14:29
Every time you post on here asking for reassurance you are working against your CBT techniques to control your HA. I'm sure your therapist will have advised you against doing this.

That was my point as well and the therapist was on it like flies on poo ;) Sounds like you have a good one and I'm optimistic about you taming the dragon. It's funny how you mentioned the feeling of having a shot of spirits. When I take my chill pills, it gives me a case of the F~$# its ~lol~ Something that would normally get me stressed just rolls off my back.

Positive thoughts

27-01-16, 15:45
That was my point as well and the therapist was on it like flies on poo ;) Sounds like you have a good one and I'm optimistic about you taming the dragon. It's funny how you mentioned the feeling of having a shot of spirits. When I take my chill pills, it gives me a case of the F~$# its ~lol~ Something that would normally get me stressed just rolls off my back.

Positive thoughts

I really do hope I get that attitude with it soon. At the moment I just feel floaty and a bit spaced out lol

27-01-16, 17:49
It's really good that you feel like this. The alternative would have been sky high agitation which is my start-up reaction to these meds!:D

I'm glad your therapist has sussed you out-I reckon she'll soon be banning you from here whilst you undergo your therapy sessions:D

27-01-16, 19:42
I'm getting the agitation as well for sure... lying in bed last night my heart was pounding and I couldn't stop moving around :/

27-01-16, 19:50
I mean 24/7 agitation

28-01-16, 14:50
You're expecting these headaches when you wake up, so you're getting them. I've been there. Once the fear passed, so did the headaches

28-01-16, 22:52
I'm actually feeling really sick at the moment. I've had this particular headache for 5 days non stop (but have had a headache pretty much every day for the last 5 weeks or so) and it's just been getting worse and worse. At what point after a headache doesn't go away should I see a doctor?! I'm trying not to go down that route but 5 weeks of headaches and now a 5 day non stop one that is getting worse and making me feel like vomiting... Just one damn thing after another.

---------- Post added at 22:52 ---------- Previous post was at 22:48 ----------

By the way, the funny thing with this, and I don't know if this is the Sertraline (which I doubt as I've only been on it for 3 days), or just the fact that I've had enough with all of this, is I'm not actually really feeling anxiety. I just feel like utter crap and want to feel better!!!!

29-01-16, 05:19
I've had headaches far longer than that and so have many others I've seen on here. It can come with the territory for various reasons with anxiety. You know what I think about this though.

On your last point, I think this is the time right now where you refuse to allow it to build. Don't pursue the testing route, it will suck you in further. I don't know what others think Steve but I have followed some of this for a while and I've found that you have a pattern where it doesn't worry you at first and then it gets to a crescendo and then you spiral. I think it's not so much about pain because you have proved recently that you can get beyond that when you have a certain level of reassurance to beat it. So, somewhere in there I suspect there is something that pushes you from managing the anxiety into panic mode. This is what I hope your therapist gets to the bottom of. You lift, so you are well used to pain and have had your fair share of DOMS I bet and even now you can lift and enjoy it. So, you can handle things to a point and then something else flicks the switch, whether it is an intrusive thought or things getting too painful or you fighting with yourself over it or maybe a combination.

I don't think it's the Sert. It's not a Benzo. Some people do feel better very quickly but given how much anxiety you seem to spiral into, I can't see that myself. I think you are not at that stage where it turns and this is good because it means you can challenge it now and stop it before it starts.

Others may see something different and I hope they raise issues with anything wrong in my observation as it's all useful for you. But that's just how I see it. I think you have a choice, stop it now or spiral. Testing may flick that switch, a GP visit (and frustration of nothing out of it) may flick that switch, I don't know, the therapist should get to the bottom of this with you.

29-01-16, 08:46
I agree with Terry-stop it now. Accept that you will have to live with uncertainty and challenge that fear. You've had so many scans and tests-no more.

29-01-16, 10:56
You guys are absolutely right. I was considering going to the GP today but I didn't. And I've also made plans over the weekend to try and keep my mind off of health related things.

I know my constant worries and posts are frustrating for others to see, believe me they are frustrating for me too. I am REALLY making an effort now to stop this cycle.

29-01-16, 11:51
You can do it, Steve. You have to challenge HA head-on. It's hard but you have the determination to do it. Don't let those thoughts creep in-give them an inch and they will take a mile

29-01-16, 11:55
Thank you so much guys as always. I know sometimes this forum can be both good and bad for people like me but honestly, when I get messages of support, it really makes a difference.

I feel a lot more positive about it all today.