View Full Version : New and have "man issues" with Citalopram

27-01-16, 14:00
Hi all, Male 41 from UK. I have been on 40mg citalopram for 8 months after divorce and huge paranoid issues...has helped massively but TOTALLY unable to get a full erection, I can get to about 50% but then its gone after a few minutes. I have just started a new relationship and thankfully it is someone I have known for years so she is very understanding. If I didn't need it to pee out of it would be a pointless dangling body part!!

27-01-16, 14:14
Hiya oxford74 and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

27-01-16, 20:08
Awwww bless, your post did make me giggle although I can imagine it is not a funny situation. I hope you manage to sort it x

27-01-16, 23:55
Maybe ask your GP if the "little blue pill" or other ED drugs may help.

Positive thoughts

28-01-16, 00:25
Hello Oxford I just, just joined myself and am on citalopram 20mg for about 1 week. Should have been on it for longer but was extremely reluctant to start any SSRI but I did. Really was hoping this would work for what I described to the doc as crippling anxiety. Sorry to hear about your problem I'm currently living with my SO and experiencing lack of libido. Haven't had sex in weeks, its unhealthy! After reading about this and the terrible side effects think I'll taper myself off...

28-01-16, 00:36
hi, I don't really know if my problems are experienced by all Citalopram users but I know at 40mg my d**k is useless!!! but I would rather be on it than live through the horrors I was feeling 12 months ago

28-01-16, 04:56
Welcome to NMP :welcome:

It certainly is an issue with SSRI's and Citalopram does seem to get the most mentions about it on here. It's not just men either, it affects women to with low libido, inability to climax, etc (just like with men).

I think your GP would want to look at switching you to another SSRI to see if it helps. I doubt they will be spending on ED meds when they can try to switch from one cheap as chips SSRI to another first. But there are some meds out there like Wellbutrin that can counteract this but sadly it's only licenced for smoking cessation so it would need to be "off label" and it's expensive too.

I've been on Citalopram at 20mg in the past for about 3 years. I had no issues in that area so don't give up on it eskimo. You are far too early on this med to be seeing real improvements and there are many on here that have found it has helped them, which it did for me.