View Full Version : Medication side effect worries?

27-01-16, 16:18
Sorry, I'm back. Every time it seems like I am about to get out of this rut I'm in I fall right back. I'm exhausted.

Anyway, as my past posts will indicate I am currently taking the generic of accutane. I'm a little over halfway through my fourth month, so I have about a month and a half to go (maybe another tacked on if my derm recommends it). There is a laundry list of side effects regarding the drug, but I really haven't had much of a problem aside from some ankle pain early in the morning and dry lips. My skin wasn't really even that dry, aside from on the backs of my hands. This last week or so the skin on my face has finally started to dry out.

My acne itself is much improved. I have a few very small spots, a handful that are healing, and only one new one this month (that went away quickly and didn't get very big at all).

There are a lot of happy success stories out there, but there are also a lot of negative ones and those are those are the ones I am focusing on. I've had acne since I was 12, moderate-severe since I was 16, and am now 24. Instantly the accutane improved my skin and it's finally starting to really clear (though of course I am CONSTANTLY checking my skin and making myself think I have new bumps). Overall I'm happy with the acne state of my skin right now - the scars are a different story.

I was hoping that I'd be able to do one course and be done.

However, I see all these awful stories online. People who have lost chunks of hair. People who have had all kinds of joint and other bodily issues. And many of those people say their acne just ended up coming back anyway, often worse.

My derm gave me statistics on her patients she's treated and they're good. I've spoken to other people I know personally who are very happy with their treatment. And of course there are positive stories on the net as well.

I just can't stop FIXATING on the negative ones. I'm feeling really down as well. I've worked myself into a state several times. I'm convinced that all of these bad things are going to happen to me.

I'm sure that you're all growing sick of me and my fears, I just keep falling into these spirals of struggle.

04-02-16, 08:20
Hi Poppy,

I don't know much about accutane but when I was a lot younger than I am now a boyfriend had issues with bad acne and he was put on accutane which did a great job of clearing his skin up and he had no ongoing health issues because of it.

I hope this helps, even a tiny bit!