View Full Version : Slightly paniced over Blood Pressure

26-02-07, 17:03
I did have a blood pressure reading at the Doctors a few months back. At the time the doctor said "that's fine" but gave me no readings. Also in A&E I had a vital reading and was told it was "fine" but was given no figures.

So Today I walked into the chemist by me and got a free blood pressure reading.

My result was 142/83. The pharmacist said "That is fine".

However, googling it does seem quite high! I did read 160/100 is classed as high, whereas 140/90 is midly high.

I am now considering getting a home monitor, does anyone think this is a good idea? I've also just started exercising and eating better, but I guess this will take time to show in my results. Also I may have been a bit stressed in the chemist and I did just walk in off the street, plus I had to hold the monitor on my arm and had my jumper rolled-up my shoulder.

I would much prefer my reading to be 130/80.

So, should I get a monitor or is my BP fine and I should just forget about it whilst trying to do a bit more exercise and relaxation?

26-02-07, 17:54
That reading is perfectly fine and nothing to worry about.

If you constantly take it at home it will only make you worse trust me.

26-02-07, 17:54

I just read your post and thought I'd reply and try to reassure you!!
142/83 is a fine reading so don't worry about it to much - that would just send your BP up more and also I really wouldn't bother buying a monitor as like Lolly said, you would be really pre-occupied and taking it all the time!

The blood pressure reading is measured by the pressure that your blood travels through your blood vessels when your heart is contracting (that is the top number and called the systolic) and the lower reading is the pressure through the vessels when the heart is relaxed (the diastolic!) - which is why Dr's etc are more concerned with the diastolic number and 83 is classed as normal!

Does that help at all? PM me or leave another message if you like if I have confused you or anything but I genuinelly hope that this post has helped!

DShell x

26-02-07, 18:36
Ive got a machine and you would use alot if it was sitting there, trust me , I used to check mine every hour ,lol.
Your reading is great, my readings seem to go all over the place......
the lowest I got was 90/55, I was feeling very light headed and the highest I got was 180/95......because I was sooooo angry over my sons bully at school.

26-02-07, 19:30
Home monitor? not with that reading and your age. Thats not high, ok 140/90 is borderline to mild but no GP is going to stress about 142/83. Infact the diastolic number (bottom number) is close to optimal. And with exercise and eating better it can only come lower.

I have a home monitor, and at my anxiety peak I wore it like a fashion accessory. I even took it into work one day to get a snapshot of other peoples BP for reassurance. And yes, they did think I was nuts lol.

I would not worry Russ, save your cash mate and don't bother with a monitor your BP is fine.

Take care


26-02-07, 19:35
Your reading is fine, perfectly normal. I agree with not getting your own machine, i have a machine at my fingertips all day at work and believe me it is a temptation to keep doing it. If you have your bp done sit quiet and relaxed, 15 minutes before hand is a good time, and let your gp or nurse do it. Not an ideal situation in the chemists really either as you've been active and could have been spending money before hand, this makes your BP go up, lol. The normal RESTING blood pressure should be 145/85 or below, going by guidelines, but it can be a little higher and still be fine. Our blood pressure goes up and down all day long, changing from second to second and everytime you have a reading the chances are it will be different. Your jumper being tight on your arm will have affected your reading also!! If a bp is high and it stays constantly high, that is when the gp or nurse will start to monitor it. Hope this helps.x

26-02-07, 20:19
Thanks all, you have reassured me! :)

I kinda knew there isn't a problem, or my GP or the A&E doctor would have said.

Like you all say, so many factors could affect the reading and it wasn't high anyway. I guess like all of us I'd still like lower BP, lower cholesterol etc. Hopefully with some more exercise and better diet I can become a bit healthier.