View Full Version : Possible seizure? :(

27-01-16, 22:49

I have always had anxiety and been a worrier especially when it comes to my health but I am not on any meds, do not smoke or drink.

On Thursday last week I had the most scary experience. I was sat at my desk in work and I had felt fine all day. All of a sudden I felt a "rush" of something over me, like dizziness or a bad feeling in my stomach. I have to mention I have had that sort of feeling before on occasion but it always passed after a few seconds. I stood up and thought id get a glass of water. I took about 5 steps before it felt like I wasnt in control of my body anymore. My vision went all blurred and I felt like I had a strong vibrating feeling through my whole body. I couldnt speak or move. I was totally conscious the whole time and didnt fall over. I remember standing there thinking, "Why cant I speak?! Whats wrong with me?! Am I going to die?!" It felt like it lasted forever but colleagues who came to my aid said it was about 2-3 mins.

They said my head was right back (chin pointing to the ceiling) and my eyes were rolling in my head and I was shaking crazily. When I came out of it, I was able to speak again but it was all slurred for few seconds. I burst into tears, kept apologising (not sure why?!) and never felt so scared in my life.

Paramedics came and tested my heart (ECG), blood sugar, eyes, checked all my limbs for muscle weaknesses and found nothing wrong with me to explain why this happened.

I went to my GP the following day on the paramedics recommendation and she thinks I could be anemic (but I was only checked for anemia 2 months ago and I was fine) the tests came back and I am not anemic (I knew it) but I cant see her until Friday to discuss whats next!

Since it happened I have had a headache, dizziness, tiredness and lack of appetite and nausea. The headache comes and goes in severity but is always there, on the right back side of my head and in my right side of my neck. The dizziness comes and goes same with the nausea. Sometimes I feel like my ears are full of pressure and ringing.

I am going out of my mind thinking it was some kind of seizure relating to a brain tumor :(

Gary A
28-01-16, 00:07
The fact it affected your entire body pretty much rules out any seizure activity. There is only one type of seizure in which you retain consciousness throughout. This is known as a simple partial seizure. The reason you retain consciousness is because the seizure activity generates in one part of the brain, but unlike most other seizures, it doesn't spread.

If you had a simple partial seizure, it would only have affected a limb or one side of the face. The seizure activity will stay in that small area of the brain. Other types of seizure, like grand mal, tonic clinic and complex partial seizures, spread over large areas of the brain and you will lose consciousness.

This could quite easily have been a panic attack. A lot of panic attacks start with an initial "rush" feeling, which generally comes from adrenaline. After that, dizziness, numbness and nausea are all very common symptoms of panic.

I think it's certainly worth seeing your GP, but I would stop worrying about seizures and brain tumours, it really doesn't sound like that at all.

28-01-16, 01:08
I had heard of simple partial seizures and wondered if that might be it because I didnt lose consciousness, it felt like I was trapped inside my body and unable to move, see properly or speak (I tried to speak but it wouldnt come out until whatever it was stopped) I had totally conscious thought the whole time. Honestly thought whatever it was would never stop or I would just black out and die :/

Thank you for your reply Gary. I didn't know panic attacks could even be like that? I wasnt breathing heavily or felt panciky before it happened.

I am going back to my GP on Friday (sadly she isnt in the surgery tomorrow)

Gary A
28-01-16, 01:25
Panic attacks can be absolutely horrific to experience. They almost always come out of the blue and at a time that you think you're doing fine. I'm not saying this was definitely a panic attack, but you did have a few of the more common symptoms of one.

See your doctor but above all, put brain tumours and such out of your head.

28-01-16, 04:41
There are other types of seizure that may account for this such as a Non Epileptic Seizure (NES) or Dissociative Seizure.


(notice panic attacks are listed on there as Gary is saying)

Someone I used to work with was walking around Tesco one day and just dropped. Nothing wrong per the paramedics and A&E but they advised he seen a neurologist via his GP to rule out epilepsy. He had the tests which proved he did not have epilepsy and after the neurologist dug into the high levels of stress he had been under for a long period of time (but no mental health issues) he was diagnosed as having a NES.

Another possibility is a dissociative seizure as part of a dissociative disorder. These are a group of disorders that can have similar issues to anxiety ones (especially PTSD) but manifest with the outcome of a dissociative episode. There are a number of types e.g. fugue, amnesia, paralysis (e.g. a limb), etc.

These tend not to be commonly discussed on this forum since I've been here, I've probably seen about 3 people discuss NES or dissociative disorders. But these are NOT anywhere near the scare you are giving yourself thinking about brain tumours or serious seizures.

28-01-16, 09:11
Thank you. I've paid to see a private Neurologist tomorrow morning because I can't handle waiting for my GP to refer me. It wasn't that expensive and if it puts my mind at ease it will be worth it. Just can't calm down and get over the intense anxiety it's giving me until I know there's nothing wrong with me.

28-01-16, 11:01
I was told only last week that anxiety can cause complete numbness in a limb for example and if the anxiety is severe enough can even cause seizures. These aren't dangerous (and numbness isn't 'real' numbness and only temporary). I don't mean to scare you but more comfort you as even if you did have a seizure it could have been brought on from panic which may explain the rushing sensation you had.
It must have been terrifying for and I hope you receive answers soon.

28-01-16, 12:31
Thank you KeeKee. I am hoping it is nothing and a one off unexplained event. I mean, surely if something was horribly wrong the 3 different GPs, an A&E nurse and the Paramedics (who attended me after the event) would have noticed? That's what im trying to tell myself anyway. Plus its been a week today since the event and it hasnt happened again.

Hopefully the Neurologist will put me at complete ease tomorrow and I can start getting over the intense anxiety this has brought on. Otherwise I might pay for an MRI to settle things for certain. Its not cheap I know but I've never had my anxiety this bad before over anything! xx

29-01-16, 03:59
Help guys :( seeing the Neurologist in the morning and I can't sleep due to panic. I know this is an appointment I've booked myself for some answers but I can't help but worry what if it WAS a seizure what if I DO have a BT........

29-01-16, 05:06
What if you didn't have a seizure?
What if you don't have a BT?
What if you just had a panic attack?
What if you had a NES?
What if you are wrong about all this because you can't see outside of it right now?
What if he tells you you are fine?

Counter negative "what ifs" with "positive what ifs". Usually 3-5 but more is always good, it depends on the strength of the negative issue. Beware negative language or self talk too. These are all taught in CBT.

29-01-16, 06:46
Thanks Terry. I'm trying my best to think positive and clearly so I can make the most of my appointment. Still feel super nauseous though ugh >__<

Doesn't help I have to go back to work tomorrow after being off for a week since it all happened.

11-04-16, 10:53
how did you get on at neuro ?

11-04-16, 11:40
All the new symptoms are definetely coming from your gear or it reoccurring...

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