View Full Version : Sudden onset? Seizure?

27-01-16, 23:00

I have always had anxiety and been a worrier especially when it comes to my health but I am not on any meds, do not smoke or drink.

On Thursday last week I had the most scary experience. I was sat at my desk in work and I had felt fine all day. All of a sudden I felt a "rush" of something over me, like dizziness or a bad feeling in my stomach. I have to mention I have had that sort of feeling before on occasion but it always passed after a few seconds. I stood up and thought id get a glass of water. I took about 5 steps before it felt like I wasnt in control of my body anymore. My vision went all blurred and I felt like I had a strong vibrating feeling through my whole body. I couldnt speak or move. I was totally conscious the whole time and didnt fall over. I remember standing there thinking, "Why cant I speak?! Whats wrong with me?! Am I going to die?!" It felt like it lasted forever but colleagues who came to my aid said it was about 2-3 mins.

They said my head was right back (chin pointing to the ceiling) and my eyes were rolling in my head and I was shaking crazily. When I came out of it, I was able to speak again but it was all slurred for few seconds. I burst into tears, kept apologising (not sure why?!) and never felt so scared in my life.

Paramedics came and tested my heart (ECG), blood sugar, eyes, checked all my limbs for muscle weaknesses and found nothing wrong with me to explain why this happened.

I went to my GP the following day on the paramedics recommendation and she thinks I could be anemic (but I was only checked for anemia 2 months ago and I was fine) the tests came back and I am not anemic (I knew it) but I cant see her until Friday to discuss whats next!

Since it happened I have had a headache, dizziness, tiredness and lack of appetite and nausea. The headache comes and goes in severity but is always there, on the right back side of my head and in my right side of my neck. The dizziness comes and goes same with the nausea. Sometimes I feel like my ears are full of pressure and ringing.

I am going out of my mind thinking it was some kind of seizure relating to a brain tumor :(

27-01-16, 23:05

27-01-16, 23:06
Could I migraine come on that quickly and cause me to loose speech and vision for 2 mins? Ive never had a migraine before

27-01-16, 23:09
Migraines can have loads of different symptoms. I'd check with your doctor :)

27-01-16, 23:21
I have seen my GP and Paramedics but neither of them has mentioned Migraine ? sorry im so scared right now :(