View Full Version : Perfectionism and coping with panic

28-01-16, 08:15
I posted the other day about some problems my partner and I are having at the moment that sent me into a state of panic.
Usually I just want to curl up in bed, shake, not eat, lock myself away from life and people. I only have a couple of close friends that I share my anxieties with. Recently another friend was really shocked to find out that I do suffer from anxiety she said 'but you always appear so together'.
This has made me think about how I do deal with stuff that happens in my life and I have tried to react differently this time. So far I feel as if I am coping pretty well. This is how I have done it:
Told all my friends and work that I am going through a rough patch and that I feel anxious - I have also cried in front of them. I never usually do this as I feel like im not coping if I do and that im a failure
I have carried on going to courses and work even though I may not look as great as I normally do and may not be as efficient.
Carried on shopping and eating a little even though I feel sick and don't really know what im putting in the trolley!
Anyway what im getting at is that I think Im such a perfectionist that I think I should be able to cope with anything and not show signs of failure. You know - perfect relationship, perfect tidy house, well behaved dogs, make up on, trendy clothes. But it doesn't really matter does it, if I feel bad I can show it and that makes me cope better!
I would want someone to talk to me if they were feeling bad so I have done the same this time and it has helped a lot.
There are still problems at home but I haven't had one day off work and am getting on with things - its weird!!