View Full Version : my OCD

28-01-16, 10:55
I can remember a few little OCD periods in my past. But this periods didnt last long. I could beat it easy by seeing OCD as something
evil 'maybe demonic'. But now im struggling with OCD for a few years . Its not easy to beat it this time. Im not sure when and how it happened
but my OCD proposes himself as 'devine / good'. A few times i still have managed to beat it by getting the right mindset. Mostly after im really
fed up with this rituals/compulsions and overthinking and see i am f*#king up my life. And realise that this OCD is something like a flu that i have to overcome.

After this self-therapy i eventually will become less tense. I fix things ive been delaying for years, dont worry too much, feel better because i eat and sleep better, create some goals in life etc etc. But the tricky thing here is that OCD here shows up with another face.

Dont know to put it but because things are going great at that particular moment, i get this urge to show that im thankfull. To show that im thankfull i decide to do the rituals (something like extreme praying) just one time. But after one time the OCD-misery just starts over.

What i mean is, i do compulsions when things go bad and i need some help and direction etc. When i realize that compulsion cant be the solution and i stop doing it, i feel much better. But then this gratitude OCD shows up. Doe anyone here understand what im talking about :) ?

31-01-16, 08:19
It's an urge or compulsion of some kind that acts as a trigger, a catalyst. So, it will be very important to take control of that stage again and tell yourself that you don't need to do it, accept the urge/compulsion in your mind but don't follow it through. Then see whether the building frustration/anxiety occurs to become a trigger again or whether nothing happens. If the latter, you have an answer about how to resolve this.

The question for me is, what exactly triggers this other form of your OCD to make you feel that you need to act on it e.g. extreme praying? Are you under any stress or have you had certain thoughts that trigger it?

It could even be that these are really distinct but this one enables all your OCD to come back because it triggers you.