View Full Version : Pancreatic cancer worries now...

28-01-16, 15:32
After posting previously about heart issues, here I go again with new worries....yes, doing all the therapy that I can and distraction techniques and started new ADs (Sertraline) which have caused me no end of horrible side effects but was determined to stick them out just to get better, yet here comes another terrifying 'symptom' to fret about.

Started randomly out of the blue after a light meal the other night - pain under and inside left rib through to back and went for some peppermint tea but didn't really ease it. Couldn't lie on left side as pain went worse. Woke up with it again yesterday - Dr Google of course says pancreatic cancer - all I was looking for was reassurance that it was muscular related because part of it felt like it was but then apparently pancreatic cancer symptoms are exactly this - now going to spoil my new attitude that I have desperately been working on worrying that I have got C. I had an upper abdominal MRI last year for the small bowel and all was okay - do you think it would have shown up on that? Recent bloods seem okay and bowels are okay apart from a bit upset with the Sertraline.

Oh, I wish I could just have something simple but awful, like arthritis then I could just get on with it - why all the deadly things?? :weep: I just want a life and to get on with it and can't cope with all this worry about serious illness every day.

28-01-16, 19:06
Statistically the most likely cause is from your digestion either wind in the bowel as this loops up under your left rib or from your duodenum or stomach. Pancreatic cancer as a reason would be in the very rare category but of course Dr Google doesn't know this!

Have you noticed any increased passage of wind:) either way whilst having this pain? That would be a good indication.

As with most symptoms if you still have them after two weeks then its sensible to see your Dr but its perfectly okay to watch and wait. Maybe try some stomach medication like windeze tablets from the pharmacy?

28-01-16, 21:08
No, no more wind or gurgling than usual. It has gone today thankfully but will be wary of it happening again now. I am full of acid I suppose as even though I take omeprozole, I haven't been eating much as I've lost my appetite with the ADs for now.

Thanks Countrygirl.