View Full Version : Loads of support needed here!!

26-02-07, 20:02
..I am buying a new car. My old one is completely dead and getting this car hopefully will help me with my agoraphobia. Driving around in an L reg renault clio doesn't do much for my confidence since i am scared it will breakdown, which it now has!

Anyway...back to the point. My mother is going to drive me 20 miles through a very very busy town, lots of traffic lights, roundabouts and dual carriage ways, but obviously i am going to have to drive the new car back......ON MY OWN :eek:

I will be following my mother but there is no doubt in my mind i will lose her at some point of the journey and since i can't drive more than a mile on my own i am already feeling a little.....A LOT worried about it. Its kind of jumping in at the deep end.

Any words of reassurance for this scared agoraphobe would be greatly appreciated!


26-02-07, 20:41

Love Jo x

26-02-07, 21:04
Dear Sarah, I know, it's REALLY hard... I've got something coming up soon that I can't believe I've actually got to do.

If I start to think about it I imagine how calm I'll feel, how relaxed and determined I'll be. Yes, the thoughts of panicking come into my mind vvv quickly but I try to replace them even quicker (!) with the calming ones.

I think you have to see it as an opportunity to get better, to make progresss. I know it's easier said than done but you have to be positive...it's the only way to beat the the panics. They're just like a bully I'm afraid..they don't let up so you need to be strong and say ENOUGH!!

Good luck...

26-02-07, 21:07
Hi Sarah,

You can do it.

Try thinking of what you're going for, a nice new car, and how good that'll make you feel.

You'll be fine :)

26-02-07, 22:12
Hi Sarah

When do you get your new car?

This is a going to be a challenge to you but remember all the other challenges you have faced and beaten. You will hopefully be so taken with your new car and playing with gadgets etc that it will be good distraction. Plus although you will be in the car alone you will be following your mum. Keep imagining her there with you in the car. What would she be saying? What would you?

Perhaps take some soothing music to play in the car to, or a favourite album, which I always finds helps when I am feeling anxious. Sing along to a favourite song.

You CAN do this :)

Karen xx

26-02-07, 23:20
Hi Sarah

Any chance you could borrow a TomTom? I absolutely swear by mine. I have absolutely no sense of direction and now I can get lost as much as I like and still be certain that I'll be directed to my destination. If this isn't possible at such short notice and it's a long way, how about agreeing some stop-points along the way where your Mum will wait for you? Also, get on Multimap and print off the route you'll be taking so you have that as a stand-by in case you do lose sight of your Mum. These are sensible precautions...and DO save up for a TomTom! They really do cut out an enormous amount of anxiety and I have a feeling this new car will be such a boost for you it'd be a pity if you couldn't really enjoy what it can offer you. H :-)

26-02-07, 23:33
:emot-cheering: You can do it:)

27-02-07, 03:38
You Go Girl..you Can Do This.We R All With You X

27-02-07, 07:02
Thank you all for the positive messages.
I know the way there, so thats not a problem. Its the 45 sets of traffic lights and dual carriage way that is getting me panicked!


28-02-07, 05:41
You can do it ! You will maybe feel little anxious,but so what ? You have new cool car.Just one anxiety won't stop you driving it ! Remember:You are always in control !

28-02-07, 08:31
Wishing you loads of happy driving-hours in your new car Sarah. I'm sure you can do it!:)

Wendie j
28-02-07, 10:49
Hi im hoping ive managed to post in time.

Could you pre agree with your mum somewhere to stop coming back,like a layby or pub car park etc.That way it breaks the journey abit and you have something to aim for.It also enables you to stop catch your breath and centre yourself again.

Also take a little "pack" with you for the car,like a drink of water,chewing gum,rescue remedy or even chocolate!

hope this helps

Wendie j x

28-02-07, 11:29
Good luck!! Get in that car, put your fave music on and take everything as it comes rather than worrying about the whole picture of it!! Just think how good you will feel when you get into your new car and how great you will feel when you get home again!!



DShell x

28-02-07, 11:54
Hey sarah, positive thought just for you

' I know I can do it, I know I can do it'

and you will, you have set yourself a goal to reach!!!! think of getting to your destination, what an achievement!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so how should we all celebrate!!!!!!? xxx skylight

28-02-07, 12:06

Not too late to keep sending me those positive messages - got another week yet to worry about it!

Nigel: There's no where near 45 - more like 10/15....lol, but in my defence they are all really close together, so it is traffic light after traffic light for about 2 1/2 miles and they all take so loooooooooooooong to change!

Sarah x

01-03-07, 03:42
I have a question if you don't mind...

Are you on any type of medication or pursuing any form of therapy...

Please forgive any offense, I'm new here and I'm just starting to deal, medically, with my anxiety after just fighting through it since 1994.

How can you tell the difference between feeling afraid of contact with other people, and just being generally frustrated with the futile communication that one experiences with other people. I guess the first has the edge of fear, the second the edge of frustration.

I ramble, sorry.


01-03-07, 10:29
hi sarah im sure u will be fine, just remenber to take deep breaths, why not put the radio on and listen 2 some tunes that mite make u feel better and just remember take it easy. I hope it all goes ok let us no how u get on ;)

01-03-07, 12:00

On no meds at the moment. During my 9 year ordeal with agoraphobia i've tried at least 5 different kinds all of which i used for 2 - 3 months and all making me feel horrendous and sick.
I'm due to have an CBT assessment on the 10th April - i've been waiting since Aug for this to come round. I had CBT in the past, but i wasn't ready to get well, in fact, i became housebound shortly after my therapy finished.

Nigel: Our mind is SO powerful isn't it!!!

Sarah x