View Full Version : Hello... My doctor thinks I have anxiety I'm not so sure.. Hoping you could help

28-01-16, 15:35

I've been very unwell for the last year.. With numerous & odd symptoms
After firstly being presumed as a stroke I eventually was told by the neurologist he thinks I have hemepligic migraines..
But some of my illnes does not fit into this category & my doctor thinks it is anxiety...
I do not however feel anxious & at times that I should feel stressed my symptoms do not change/become worst..
I have constant exhaustion.... I use to March when I walked.. Now I find walking impossible as I do any activity.. I can become breathless just walking up the stairs or talking..
Constant chest pain ( on the left same side my hm effects) which at some times goes up my neck, into my shoulders..
I have asked for a lung test to be done & told she doesn't think I need one by my gp
Who also refuses to refer me as the tests I've had have come back ok so there can be nothing wrong ( is it only me this makes no sense to? )
She has me on pregablin which was recommended for the hm but she has upped my dose now three times & I still feel no different..
I've gone from having a life of never sat still & when not working I do animal rescue... To I can't move my bum off the sofa..& in constant pain.

Sorry to go on... Does this sound like anxiety ?

Thank you for your time 💐 X

28-01-16, 15:43
Hiya Sjt and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

05-02-16, 07:32
Hi Sjt,
I'm feeling exactly the same. I now worry that because I've been diagnosed with anxiety no one will listen to me. In the last couple of weeks I've been in and out of a&e so much that I need 2 hands to count! I constantly feel I can't take in enough oxygen even though every time I'm tested my levels are good. I too have asked for a lung scan but have been told it's unnecessary as I had one some weeks ago and it came back fine - I wasn't feeling the constant breathlessness at that time and personally felt the scan unnecessary.
I've decided to take meds as I'm struggling to cope.
Hope we can get through this!