View Full Version : Throwing up blood

28-01-16, 16:15
Hey guys,

So ever since sunday i have been nauseous legitmately 24/7. On sunday i began throwing up and it was a good amount of blood. Since then ive thrown up blood another time. I went to the ER immediately after throwing up blood and they did some blood tests, and checked my spleen and said everything looked fine and sent me home. Tuesday i began to throw up blood again so i went back this time they did more blood tests and an xray and said everything looked normal again. The problem is everything does not feel normal at all. I feel super bloated, im so nauseous all the time that i have hardly ate anything since Sunday and lost a lot of weight, im really dehydrated because i cant eat or drink anything without feeling sick and this is just horrible and i dont know what to do at this point im really starting to constantly freak out and panic. I just need some type of advice or anything because i have never been in any situation like this and i dont know what to do and im truly scared for my health.

28-01-16, 19:02
In the Uk they would do a gastroscopy ( camera in stomach). I know this as I had one for a sinble episode of blood in sick as did my friend as well. If you haven't had or they haven't suggested having a look inside your stomach then it would be sensible to request this if you can. My friends was due to ulceration of her oesphagus due to acid reflux.
I have also had a friend who got this after drinking alcohol as the alcohol had eroded his stomach lining, it was a wake up call to him to stop drinking. Don't know if this would apply to you but thought I would mention it in case.

29-01-16, 00:34
I second that.. Check with a gastro doctor

29-01-16, 05:09
I really think you need to approach your doctor on this issue. There could be various reasons and they could be treatable, not the sinister things you are probably thinking. There are other tests to check for these things that you don't appear to have had so it would be prudent to follow it up and let your doctor determine what additionally is required since all the ER people are bothered about if whether they need to treat you there or then or boot you out the door back to your doctor.