View Full Version : Felt As Though Someone Touched My Head!

28-01-16, 17:56
Hi, I haven't posted anything in this particular forum before but quite a bit in GAD.

Yesterday I was sitting, quite relaxed, and I felt as if someone or something touched my head. I turned around thinking it was my son but no one there.

Forgot about it but this afternoon the same thing happened twice. Each time on the left side of my head, almost like a shiver.

Really weird, I'm not panicking just wondered if anyone could relate?


28-01-16, 18:58
I get this lots, sometimes its just a featherlight touch but at other times it feels like a huge hand is slithering shivery like over one side of my head. Its like an exaggerated " someone walking over my grave" sensation.

Signs of a hyperstimulated nervous system but nothing else.

28-01-16, 19:37
Thanks so much for replying! And great to know I'm not going mad!!
How are you sleeping nowadays? X

29-01-16, 07:53
Were you nodding off, Crystal? If so, it might be one of the sleep phenomena types but I would have to check on that.

29-01-16, 08:30
Hi Terry no I wasn't. I was just doing stuff at home when it happened. I think it did subconsciously make me more anxious than I realised as couldn't blooming sleep last night! Another blip...!

29-01-16, 08:44
Sometimes I get random chills like my whole body shivers for a moment.
What you described had me thinking you have a spirit visiting you! Obviously that's not something everyone believes in lol but what was said above is probably right.. Hyperstimulated nervous system.

29-01-16, 11:10
Hi Savvy, oh I do believe in things like that but if there is a more likely explanation I'll keep my options open haha xx

30-01-16, 05:07
Just overly sensitised for some reason then by the sounds of it, Crystal.

I think it's like when you touch something and jump/move your arm away. You sense something and react with a heightened response. You can do that if a fly lands on you when you are in heightened states.