View Full Version : Would CT scan miss Brain Tumor

28-01-16, 19:13
Yeah I know still worrying, seeing my Dr 2moro afternoon, worried now that the CT scan I had wouldnt show up the brain tumor I think Ive had for 3 years....

28-01-16, 19:24
Simply the answer is NO.

It won't show the detail that a mri scan would but I know for certain that it would show up something that needed further investigation as my neighbour had a mini stroke and was given a ct scan which showed a " mass" in her head that turned out to be a brain tumour.

So if you have had a clear ct scan then you don't have anything unusual in your head!

28-01-16, 19:26
Please don't go down that path. Do you know how many real sufferers would give their left arm for the results you got?!

Positive thoughts

29-01-16, 10:48
Its due to symptoms i have, i was convinced the ct scan would sow an abnormality, would it definitely show up if id have had a tumor growing for 3 years ��

29-01-16, 17:45
Talked to the GP, he wasnt interested in talking about the scan or physical health and only mental health and anxiety. The scan was open on his computer and the glimpses caught were, normal head, no space occupying lesions or masses and reported by a neuroradiographer.

Really cant have a tumor can I?

Dr wants me to try a low dose of Quetiapine/Seroquel for off lable anxiety use as well as cbt.

29-01-16, 19:16
You do not have a brain tumour end of! No arguments, no queries just absolute. the fact you cannot accept the results of the scan mean you really do need to try treating the mental health aspect of this.
You have nothing to lose by trying the drug your Dr suggested, you can always stop it if it does not agree with you but it might be just what you need to lessen your anxiety.
Good luck

29-01-16, 19:44
Nope, no brain tumor. Take the meds. If they don't work or you don't tolerate them well, keep trying others until you find one that does work & you can tolerate. You have health anxiety and it's a painful, isolating, debilitating illness that often times doesn't go away without meds &/or therapy. Get help now before you lose anymore of your life.

30-01-16, 01:38
My husband had a brain tumor and I can tell you that it EASILY shows up on CT and MRI scans. If yours came back normal, it totally IS!! Enjoy the good news!

16-01-17, 08:29
If I may ask.
Why are you so convinced you have a brain tumor?
physical symptoms? If so what are your symptoms?
I'm kind of in the same boat with thinking a CT scan could miss a tumor even tho I know how stupid it is to think that...

16-01-17, 08:50
Yeah...it definitely wouldn't miss a tumour.

You have symptoms that are being created due to your constant worrying about brain tumours.

16-01-17, 11:07
It's important to recognize that there are many more conditions than there are symptoms. It's very easy to say "well, I have a lot of the symptoms for ____, so I must have that" when there are probably like 60 things that can manifest those same symptoms.

The likelihood that you have something else is much greater than a CT missing a brain tumor, particularly one that's been growing for three years.

16-01-17, 11:56

Im the same.

Normal CT but still convinced I have to brain tumour too.

16-01-17, 14:00
Ask a doctor. We aren't doctors.