View Full Version : Palpitations and hospital!

28-01-16, 19:17
Hey guys,

In the past 3 months i have been sent to ER/A&E twice with a heart rate around 140bpm or more do you guys get this in panic attacks?

I have had a full blood work up both times along with a chest xray and an ECG.
yet i'm still worried constantly. . . i'm 23.

Any advice?

Everything came back normal and when i relax my heart rate goes back to 60ish.

When i stand i notice my heart rate increase also. . . is this normal?

Just need reassurance i suppose . . . :(

28-01-16, 19:22
Its totally normal for your heartrate to increase when you stand up/move around.

I have the worst medical phobia imaginable and just sitting with a Dr will give me a heartbeat of between 120 -140bpm. this causes endless problems even though i always explain what I am like and take my own home readings for bp and heartbeat.

If your heartbeat reduces once you calm down then its almost certainly an anxiety response. If its seriously affecting your life then your Dr can give you medication to slow it down but its better if you can do without it.

28-01-16, 20:08
Thank you :)