View Full Version : Unfortunately...

28-01-16, 21:42
Unfortunately, I have horrible health anxiety, ranging from Inflammatory Breast Cancer to lymph nodes.

Unfortunately, I have been thinking that the nodes in my groin are swollen.

Unfortunately, I found a movable lumpy thing, about the size of a marble, at the very top of my thigh. Seems a little smaller after I forced myself to leave it alone, but it's still there.

Unfortunately, I HATE going to the doctor at all cost, and avoid it always, but was in such a state that I forced myself to call.

Unfortunately, an appointment was available. :wacko:

Unfortunately, when I got there, the office was packed and I had to wait over an hour. When the doctor finally came in, he didn't have a lot of time for me.

Unfortunately (fortunately?), he dismissed my concerns about IBC after doing a breast exam that was normal. He didn't LOOK as closely as I wanted to, probably because he didn't want to feed my concerns, and gave me some information instead to help talk me down.

Fortunately, he checked my glands and said they were fine. I pointed out the one on my thigh. He checked it for 2 seconds and said it was outside the line of the lymph nodes. Maybe a lipoma. Not concerned.

Unfortunately, I didn't have a chance to point out that i have a matching, much smaller spot on the other thigh, so how could it not be a lymph node?

UNFORTUNATELY, my new mantra is to trust the doctor. This is sooooo hard. I'm working hard not to obsess about the lump because regardless of whether or not it was a lymph node, he felt it, seemed nonplussed and sent me for no testing.

Fortunately, he really can't do that if he has ANY concern at all because then he could be liable. I know this intellectually.

Unfortunately, my head won't believe it.
