View Full Version : Major Setback Anyone?

28-01-16, 22:17
I was active on here last summer with debilitating health anxiety and panic attacks, then my anxiety decreased greatly, I filled my life with regular activities, and thought I'm healed completely! Buuuuut then I went to the dentist this week. My blood pressure was high, and I came undone. I became so inconsolable that I couldn't even get the dental work done. And that was it, anxiety showed up once again.

Now I feel back at square one. I constantly feel like my blood pressure is high, my head is throbbing, my vision is all funky - sensitive to light and tunnel vision junk - and I am on the verge of full-on hysterical crying all day. Only two true panic attacks since my dentist appointment, but it was two too many.

Anyone have this happen? That magical, "I'm cured," followed by a brick wall saying, "Uh no you're not!" I'm trying to not fall back into the pit I was in, and I'm trying to carry on with life as usual, but, man, it is hard. How do you bounce back from a hiccup like this in your recovery?

29-01-16, 00:21
Posted similar tonight. Guessing the best thing to do is rather than seeing something as a route to recovery just enjoy the good days and a bad day is a bad day. Just an obstacle in your journey to being at one with something that is a part of you that you are learning to accept and live with.

29-01-16, 00:28
I thought I was doing ok with anxiety, depression and BPD, the 40mg Citalopram seemed to be doing its stuff until 17 Dec when I found out someone I had confided in at work had told other people what was going on in my life...I quit a very well paid job on the spot, it was 9am and I went straight to Tesco and brought 36 cans of beer (people in UK will know the 3 boxes for £20 at Christmas), I went home and drank until I collapsed (27 cans) and then went back to square one....thankfully someone I have known for many years but had hardly spoken to in such a long time messaged me.

Good days and bad days...I think we ALL have them...my saving grace was being able to chat to someone who had my back and really wanted to listen

good luck

29-01-16, 00:51
i was going to post just about this amd saw you had too.
ive only been diagnosed with anxiety and slight depression in the last month. i havent been given a specific anxiety but i know its health anxiety related for sure.
ive been put on propanolol 40mg twice a day for palpitations and great news it worked. within 2 weeks of my diagnosis i was feeling much better and able to get on with life again.
too good to be true.
i had to do a speech for work yesterday and a meeting today. its triggered ut back for some reason and tonight ive just been the cinema and sat for 2 hours having on off anxiety attack.
back to square one.
i think as there is no known definitive cure for it, set backs can happen.
i can only think about what i did differently and how did i think differently to feel so great to i can get back to 'normal' again.
maybe go through the steps of your first recovery?
what did you find helped the best?
i know i dont have too much experience myself as im still new to my anxiety and has quickly realised im not cured at all.
good luck and sending hugs :)

29-01-16, 11:56
This happened to me so many times over my recovery that by after the 10th time it happened, I knew the way into the setback but I also knew the way out so I feared it less and knew it wasn't permanent and it didn't get me down as much. I wish I had that mind set with my first few setbacks instead of dwelling on them whole heartly but its hard not do, especially if you have had a long good period before the setback. I had a bad setback last year after going to the dentist for the first time in years too actually. It was the day after my bday too which bloody sucked!

The best advice I can give you is - keep going. Keep to your regular routine. Don't wallow about feeling sorry for yourself or stay in. Go out as much as you can. You don't have to do anything drastic, even just sitting outside in your garden or walk around the block is enough when you are at the start of your setback and feel your worst and gradually build up to bigger things like go to the supermarket, go into town etc. Always remember that a setback is never permanent, no matter how much it feels like it is. You will see little improvements in yourself every day while in setback. You might not notice them at first but they build and build and help you recover from this setback. Each setback, although painful and frustrating, gives you another chance to learn how to beat them and makes the next ones if you experience any more, easier to deal with. I tried to look at them as a challenge and to put my new knowledge to practice which was hard at first as I am quite a negative person so I wanted to just quit and throw in the towel so many times but ultimately, its what got me through every setback to where I am now. Just take everything a day at a time and don't count how many days, weeks you have been in a setback as that only makes you feel worse and like you will never get out of this one and that only adds tension which is the last thing you need.

Also baby yourself if you know what I mean? Comfort yourself - wear your comfiest PJs, do something light hearted like colouring in, dance about to your favourite music etc. In other words, try to be as little harsh as you can to yourself when you feel at your worst. You don't have to be stronger every minute of the day.

Hope you feel better soon!:hugs:

31-01-16, 01:13
You are all so great!! I hate that this problem is so common, but so grateful that others know exactly what I'm talking about. I'm sending you all well wishes, we can do this!! Thank you!!!!

02-02-16, 21:03
Hi catsandnaps,
In my 20 years of suffering with this damn illness I have suffered tons of setbacks, and I MEAN tons. Feeling fine like I'd finally cracked it and then BAM! back with a vengence.
You have to remember that setbacks are only temporary and I absolutely agree with gingerfish that you should just go about your business and try not to dwell on it because sure enough it WILL go away again. Push through and you'll come out the otherside!!

Keep strong XX