View Full Version : So I'm joining the lymph gland brigade

29-01-16, 04:44

Haven't been on here for a while as things have been relatively good lately.

But I have developed a new worry over the last week. I have been experiencing a lot of sensations in my neck radiating down to my shoulders and just below my ears. I am worried that my lymph glands are swollen, but I don't know. part of me thinks they are the normal size and it is just my anxiety playing tricks on me. I notice the sensations a lot less when I am otherwise occupied and when lying in bed last thing at night and on waking. But as the day progresses I notice the sensations more and have vague to moderate pain. I'm trying not to poke and stretch around as best I can.

Has anyone been through anything similar and it turned out to be nothing but anxiety hypersensitivity? I am afraid of infection and lymphoma.

Thanks heaps.

29-01-16, 09:44
If lymph nodes are enlarged then you would know! Aching is most likely due to muscle tension in the neck and head. If you have never ever felt your lymph nodes before then you won't know what they feel like normally. Do you have someone you could ask to check themf or you who would know, even I would know the difference between normal and enlarged.

Also its incredibly common to have slightly enlarged lymph node/s usually following an infection and they can take literally years to return to normal size. I very occasionally like once every 3 years get one behind my right ear that feels like a very tiny hard pea and lasts for about a week then goes away.