View Full Version : sit back and think about it...

29-01-16, 10:15
Going through all of my recent posts iv realised one thing. Its humorous now it has passed. The one thing that is hard to understand however is, why is it that anything currently happening is impossible to shake off. I was diagnosed with IBS without anything other than bloods and a feel around of my stomach. Then I began to worry about misdiagnosis but I went back again and they did the same.

Before that there was lymphoma.
Then I flipped to brain tumours.
Then I flipped to skin cancer because of my birth mark.
Then diabetes.
Then a heart attack.
And now, I'm on stomach cancer as of 3 days ago, despite having pretty much the same stomach symptoms for the past 5-6 years, no vomiting, no blood, no weight loss, no loss of appetite, no unexplained tiredness, no persistent indegestion that cannot be explained.

But for whatever reason I'm fixated on my breathing even though it isn't faster or deeper. I'm also fixated on the fact that my food comes up sometimes after eating. Iv never really thought about it before because I just thought it was down to me eating fast and having general digestive problems.

Google is definitely the worst enemy of anxiety sufferers, it intensifies everything we experience.

29-01-16, 15:27
What does everyone else think?

29-01-16, 15:58
Google is horrible for anxiety! I have learned that the hard way this past week. I found a breast indent and now I'm terrified I have breast cancer and can barely function, like all day crying, panicking. Ugh!

From the sounds of it, sounds like reflux to me, which I get often.

29-01-16, 16:33
The self imposed torture one subjects themselves to with anxiety and HA is not a laughing matter in the least. Even with some experience with depression and "scanxiety", I truly cannot imagine being in the almost crippling mental states that some describe. I'm fortunate that my experiences were easily manageable.

That being said, if you look at some of the fears and behaviors "outside" of the mental illness, irrationality aspect, it often is head shaking, wtf? and yes, humorous in the sheer absurdity of the fear. Things like bat saliva dripping from a tree causing rabies or getting shower water up your nose causing death by brain eating amoeba (for example) are more science fiction that even Star Wars.

Positive thoughts

29-01-16, 18:41
When I'm pre occupied I never really pay attention to my 'symptoms'. Sometimes it does get to a point however where it starts to take over everything. I think I'm at that point again.

30-01-16, 02:36
I definitely agree. Google is a, for me, I call it “The Punisher”. Once you indulged yourself into it, you’re warmly welcomed in “SufferLand”.

30-01-16, 11:10
Yes for me my waking minute starts with worrying about my chest and its continuing throughout the whole day, even though I'm not coughing, breathing faster, chest pains nothing. Just a feeling that I'm not getting enough oxygen. Its so annoying as I cant get rid of the sensation.

31-01-16, 17:25
John, you sound a lot like me.... I jump from one thing to another. When I am occupied and focused on something productive my mind leaves me alone. The second I stop and go on vacation or take a break my mind goes haywire.

I was just talking to my fiancé last night about how much I HATE being off work and going on vacation. I cannot relax.