View Full Version : Hernia? (Pic)

29-01-16, 13:46
Hernia? Freaking out
I'm going to consult in my doctor but until then I need some advise
I had my baby a year ago and noticed that my belly button is weird shaped
I'm underweight at the moment but have eating I notice a stitch like pain near my belly button and when I looked down I noticed half of it sticks out
Is it normal for your belly button to do this being thin and after meals?

It doesn't always stick out and as I have ibs I assume the pain I get is from that

When I lay down and get back up it doesn't stick out or anything but if I stand really straight my belly button kind of looks like this...
This was taken today

Any ideas? x

29-01-16, 17:20
Best thing is ti get a doctor to check it definitely but my umbilical hernia looked nothing like that :)