View Full Version : at my lowest ever, mum had a stroke last week

26-02-07, 23:31
As a sufferer for years of health anxiety and panic, i also have just had to change my meds 2 weeks ago cos of a reaction. However, last week i got a call from my sister telling me that my mum was feeling bad and had collasped, we both raced to her house as she lives alone since dad died suddenly last year in a& e (such a shock), we called a ambulance , they thought that she had a heart attack but after 4 days in hospital and a ct scan she has had a mild stroke.
I havent eaten barely anything for over a week now as i have no appitite, cant sleep as just as im drifting off i get terrifying thoughts that jolt me awake. Doc has given me sleeping tablets they help a little. I just feel totally unable to cope with it all. My sister is caring for mum at her flat at the moment, but it upsets me just to see my usually fit mum (my inspiration and whom i adore) feeling weak and so tired.
My nerves are out of control, my thoughts are only morbid scarey ones i live in terror of my phone ringing incase she has another stroke.
My sister is coping wonderfully and doesnt seem to have the same fears as me!!! but i feel a complete failure at a time when i need to be strong and supportive im useless and weak.
I just want to be alone constantly and even my kids are being ignored as im too stressed to cope.
A huge boil has appeared on my chin, the doc said its due to stress and has given me tablets.
I wake each morning full of fear and dread for what may come with the day, and just want to stay in bed and sleep constantly.

Thank you for reading this, i dont suppose anyone can help me but thanks for listening xxx

tracie xx

26-02-07, 23:36
Im so sorry to hear about your mum Tracie,its only natural you are feeling like you do.Thinking of you.:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

27-02-07, 00:31
Tracie so sorry to hear about your mum hun big hugs for you. xxx

27-02-07, 00:41
I'm so sorry to hear about your Mum. Your feelings are all completely normal. People cope in different ways. Don't be hard on yourself, and make sure you get the support you need from those around you.

Thinking of you


27-02-07, 07:23
Hi Tracie, sorry to hear you are having a tough time.

On a positive note, my Nan also had a mild stroke in her 80's, however, she did not have another one and she did make an almost 100% recovery in time.

No doubt the doctors will do everything they can to prevent this happening again, via medication.

I can see why you are anxious, obviously. Go and see your mom and sister and DISCUSS your feelings, then you will be able to move forward, I'm sure.

take care,

27-02-07, 08:41
Hi Tracie,

Sorry about your mum, and I know how tough it can be.

But on a positive note my mum had a stroke and has made a good recovery ( although she gets quite tired). Do they know what caused it, my mum has a very high cholestrol and blood pressure and these were contributing factors to hers. She now has to watch her diet and is on medication.
But 10 years on she's still here!! You will get through this even though you dont think so at the moment, definately discuss how your feeling and I really hope it all goes fine, i'll be thinking of you. Remember i'm only a PM away if you need to chat.

Take care

shirley xx

27-02-07, 09:24
Hi there...So sorry to hear you're having a hard time at the moment.

It is really hard when we see our family sick. Last October my mother collasped in a cafe 30 miles from home. I was terrified that something would happen to her. THANK GOD she has made a recovery now - but at the time i was so worried.

You do *try* to eat because you need to keep your strength up for your family. Its hard to concentrate on anything other than what is going on - but for your own health you must try.

Take care...
Sarah x

27-02-07, 09:24
Hi Tracie,

So sorry to hear about your mum, keep your chin up and stay positive



Trac xxx

27-02-07, 09:41
Sorry to hear about your mum Tracie, i know how hard it is. Hope you can get through this together with her.

Love Jo x

27-02-07, 11:25
hi tracie

sorry about your mum

i think when loved ones are ill our health anx gets much worse my dad was very ill a few months ago and was near death it all happend in front of me i took him to e&e and he spent a week or so in icu it was horrid .i had trouble sleeping ,eating ect.
i do hope it all gets better soon hun

jodie xx

27-02-07, 13:14
Sorry to hear about your mum.
I work in hospital on a stroke ward and most people who suffer a mild stroke make a full recovery. She will be on medication probably to prevent a further stroke. In order to make a good recovery it is important to get good rehabilitation, you could help with this Tracy when she comes home. Keep us up to date with how shes doing. If you want any more advice on stroke I can do the best to answer or point you in the direction of someone who can help.
A good start is this webite run be the Stroke association, your mum may well have been given some info on this already:

27-02-07, 13:42
Tracie, I am so sorry to hear whats happened.
Yesterday we found out my mum had breast cancer, she had it in 1975 and it seems it has come back in the same place. I am so scared for my mum, and even though she has yet to have scans to see if it has spread I too keep worrying about her dying, being alone, coping etc..
I know just how you feel, and know we all support you. Keep trying to be positive (God I know its so hard) and keep us posted how your mum is?:meh:

27-02-07, 14:24
Hi Tracie

So sorry to hear about your mum and losing your dad too.
I have been in your position and i know how your feeling, its so awful.
It's so hard to cope with something like this. Don't be too hard on yourself.
Its no wonder you feel the way you do. You will get through it.
Thinking of you.

27-02-07, 16:20
Tracie, Please look after yourself, A client I visit had a stroke because her cholesterol was too high, she changed her diet and has made a full recovery now.

take care

27-02-07, 18:36

Love Piglet x

27-02-07, 20:43
:hugs: :hugs: sending you lots of hugs.

28-02-07, 23:27
i would really like to thank all of you for your kindness and support and for taking the time to try and help me xxx
I feel a little bit better today and actually ate a bit of dinner, my nerves are still all over the place but mum is doing soooooo well THANK GOD.
Its probably my depression and panic that makes me feel so scared for the future, like will mum be able to return to her house and cope, and will i panic every time i phone her etc.

Your support has meant so much to me so again i say thanks to u all xxxx
love tracie xxx