View Full Version : Brain tumour and eye doctor worries...

30-01-16, 01:12
Hi everyone,

So every three years I get a check up from the eye doctor and tomorrow is the day :(

I am always so terrified of going, but every time things usually go well. I also have this fear that I Have a brain tumour as I've had head pains for over 10 years, which worsen when I lie down.

I am SO scared that my eye doctor will find something unusual because I have a brain tumour or something. I've heard that many people have found that they had a brain tumour after visiting the eye doctor.

I really need some reassurance or something. I don't know how I'm going to get to sleep tonight. My appointment is first thing in the morning.

Thanks in advance

30-01-16, 01:25
Hey you're okay! If you already suffer from heath anxiety chances are you are bringing a lot of the symptoms on yourself... I am the same exact way! Best of luck!! Hugs!:hugs:

30-01-16, 01:42
Thank you!:hugs: I'm seriously praying and hoping for the best

30-01-16, 21:24
What are your head pains like! My head pains have come back and they're like random shocks but they're not painful And always appear in the afternoon

31-01-16, 04:45
My eye doctor appointment went great!

Also Blonde, my head pains a quite dull but I've had short shocks at times. They are usually worse when I'm tired or have had a long day at school/work. Sleeping always makes them stop, but when I lie down they can worsen. I have to sleep in weird positions sometimes.