View Full Version : What if it was so simple as...

30-01-16, 04:11
Forgetting that you had an "anxiety disorder" or what panic attacks felt like or even were. What if that first panic attack is just a one off event caused by a blood sugar problem or something and if you had the ability to completely eliminate that memory and the emotion associated with it, panic attacks wouldn't happen ever again.

Or maybe there are actually brain activity problems involved, but wouldn't it be so much better if it was as if it never happened? How many times have you woken up and felt normal until you remembered what you were about to face in the coming day? Would the anxiety and panic still be waiting for you if you weren't even thinking about it cuz you didn't actually even remember it?

30-01-16, 04:28
I think you have a good point. I know for me most of my anxiety is about getting anxious so it's a vicious cycle.

This time when my attacks started in October after not having any for a long time, it hit me really hard and doing the things or being where I was with these first 3 attacks - driving and gardening are where they happened - I still have trouble with the driving as it's now become a trigger. Gardening is ok.

I'd love to be able to forget that terrible panic attack I had in the car and then have nothing to be anxious about!