View Full Version : Blog entry about no more panic..

27-02-07, 00:08
I just wrote a blog entry about my experiences with the nomorepanic site here:


Have a read if you want to :)

27-02-07, 12:47
"It’s a site which is chock full of freaks like me"

Sorry I disagree we are not freaks and i find that very offensive!!!!

27-02-07, 13:02
hi dan well i just had a read and hmmmm i do think you sead some nice things and yes we do all help each other and yes it is a very good forum i am glad it has helped you at times when you have needed it BUT we are not freaks not at all it is a site full of people with anxiiety ect.i think some people will be most offended by what you sead in parts mabe rearange the words a bit !jo x

27-02-07, 13:46
Haha, I was only joking, I thought that would be easy to see!

27-02-07, 13:55

I can quite easily refer to myself as one, but to generalise other people....VERY thin ice.


27-02-07, 16:33
I'm sorry but how is anxiety a joke! I'm very open minded and have a good sense of humour but i don't find that very funny atall!

27-02-07, 16:42
Sorry, but I would choose your words a bit more carefully.
For someone to refer to themselves as a freak is one thing, but to refer to others..... The fear of being or being seen as anything with a negative label, freak being amongst the many, would be awful for some.
I don't dismiss what your piece is about, I can see your objective, but to call everyone freaks is .....? what do you think really on receiving this feedback from people?


27-02-07, 17:28
Hmm, well okay, maybe I have a different sense of humour and assumed others would see the funny side, but if not then obviously I was wrong and that's fine.

It was meant to be informal and jokey because I don't like making myself take my anxiety too seriously - to me that is letting it rule you. I don't think of myself as a "freak", and I'm sure noone on here does either about me or anyone else - but I do see how the joke should have referenced myself only and not everyone else. But hey, how do you know I meant you? :P


PS. it's changed now, thank you for your feedback :)

27-02-07, 17:38

But hey, how do you know I meant you?
Now that I do find funny! LOL
