View Full Version : 30mg citalopram

30-01-16, 10:10
Morning guys, I have been on 30mg for about 2 months now and although my anxiety isn't as bad as it was it is still there. I am exhausted all the time and feel like my heart is bruised ( if that makes sense) I look after my 3 year old son on my own and feel he is missing out on his mummy being happy. I was wondering what people's thoughts were on 40mg?

30-01-16, 10:42
Hi Natalie,
well what I'd say personally is I think your anxiety will continue to decrease a little as you get further away from the really panicky times and they become more of a distant memory.
The other thing I'd say is, sadly, Citalopram can't remove all your anxiety (or if it can it'd be at some obscene level that'd make you like a walking zombie), my anxiety is approximately half what it was before starting Cit, so although anxiety is very much a part of my life still, it is no longer the only thing in my life.

30-01-16, 10:45
Thanks oh for replying I'm looking into counselling or therapy as well. I used to be so strong I fell so weak now. I don't want to be this person. Xxx

30-01-16, 14:27
Hey Natalie, might be worth asking your doctor what he thinks. If you still don't feel right and you feel you would benefit on the increase then it might be worth it. I have been on 20 for 10 months but felt really low last week and the anxiety came back, my doc wanted to up me to 40 but we agreed on 30. I'll give this dose a couple of months and see how I go. Keep us posted what you decide.
Jemma x

30-01-16, 14:48
Thanks jem I got an appointment Tuesday so will discuss then. I'm sorry you have been feeling low recently xx

30-01-16, 16:18
I'm not so much low at the minute just very up and due to the increase, only 3 days in and have increased anxiety, can't eat and feel quite sicky. I am getting calmer periods though. Hope you get on ok at the doctors, I have a couple of friends who both take 40mg so don't be worried about it, you have to do what best for you to get yourself back to good. Xx

30-01-16, 16:32
Aww thanks Hun I hope I feel better soon, feel so lost with it all at the moment xx

31-01-16, 17:33
Hey Natalie, how are you feeling today? I feel like I'm getting worse. Only 4 days into the increase though but I have high anxiety, that horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach, tight chest, can't eat and all I seem to want to do is sleep. I'd forgotten how horrible all the side effects were.
Jemma xx

Bike Rider
07-02-16, 12:57
Hi Natalie and Jem. I have upped my dose from 20 to 40 mg on my Dr advise and Jem is right the side effects start again, not as bad but they are there, increase anxiety, tiredness, yawning, shaky feeling, light headed, stomach churning (he did give me Propanol to counter the physical symptoms which sometimes work) but these, I hope will soon go 2 weeks?

07-02-16, 13:28
I'm hoping 2 weeks... I'm on day 11. The increased anxiety is gone still a bit shakey, appetite still not come back and I'm mega yawning and could sleep for England. I don't feel depressed at all but I could just lie in bed all day. Really hope this goes soon. Starting to get a bit concerned that I'm still feeling like this on day 11 of the increase.

07-02-16, 16:27
Hiya I've increased to 40mg and feel the same tired all the time and being a single mum to a 3 year old is tough xxx

07-02-16, 17:10
That must be really tough... Do you have help? When did you increase, this tiredness is really starting to wind me up and I can feel myself getting agitated with it xx

Bike Rider
07-02-16, 19:28
I still have the tiredness after 9 months on 20mg and the yawning too thought not as violent. I am and always have been a poor sleeper, so in the a.m. I feel zonked and come 4-5 oclock in the pm I struggle to keep awake. I think this is just one of those things that will stay, but if it gets rid of the anxiety, then so be it.

07-02-16, 19:45
Still seem to be having some anxiety but it's a foggy, lethargic tired. I had this when I upped to 20 last year so hoping it's the same thing and that it will pass.

19-02-16, 21:49
I am on 30 mg. I used to take my tablets in the morning, this made me feel tired during the day. I started taking them at night, I don't feel as tired during the day now. Maybe it is worth experimenting with changing the times you take the tablets.

20-02-16, 10:13
Thanks user12, I take mine at night but the tiredness has passed now. Still got the foggy head but I think it might be a head cold as my eyes, nose and ears have loads of pressure. Also still get a bit of morning anxiety. I'm only at 3 1/2 weeks of the increase so I'll give it a couple more weeks then maybe think about going up a bit more if it doesn't improve.

20-02-16, 13:31
I went up to 40mg when I was on it and felt really normal after a little while. So angry my doctor took me off it as I had my life back and am now really ill with anxiety. Just failed on Mirtazapine/Remeron. But Citalopram gives me panic attacks for the first few weeks when I start it and doctor won't give me benzo's to help me get back on it. My friends who suffer with anxiety have told me to go meds free as they felt better after a while not taking anything, don't know what to do. Natalie have you settle don 40mg yet? It completely took my anxiety away and the only time I felt ill was if I missed a dose.

20-02-16, 17:10
It's such a tough med to get on but worth it in the end. My doc offered benzos in start up but I'm always too scared to take them. It's not nice but if cit is the only one then bite the bullet and go for it. You could always go up really slowly. Wishing you all the best no matter what you decide and always here for support x