View Full Version : Health anxiety free for 1 yr, now certain I have cancer

30-01-16, 14:07
I used to have severe health anxiety but have haven;t had it in over a year. I've gone so long without health anxiety that it is giving more evidence to believe it's real and not just health anxiety.

Please tell if if anyone has had something similar:

two years ago I could feel a small, very hard lump on the inside of my lower gums, just on the right side. I could never actually see it, but I could feel it with my tongue. It's always hard, and it seems that sometimes it feels a little pointier than at other times, but other than that it doesn't change or grow. I looked it up and decided that it was probably a mandibular torus, and then sort of forgot about it.

Now, about 4 months ago, I was moving my tongue along my gums and noticed that, at about the highest point you can push your tongue on the outer side of your gums, there is a definite thick area. It's not visible, but it's also in an awkward area close to my nose but underneath, so it's hard to tell.

It hasn't seemed to change since I noticed it, and again it's not really visible, but I am constantly feeling it with my tongue. The whole area generally feels sort of lumpy and bumpy, and seems to kind of move around with the flesh on my inner lip area, but the obvious thick area stays in place. It definitely feels below the surface, like it's just under the skin and not on it. I also can't feel it from the outside. No pain.

I am terrified that it's cancer, but I just moved outside of the US and still haven't gotten my insurance set up in Korea. I am a 24-year-old female, non-smoker, but I did drink a lot in college.

It really scares me though because it can definitely best be described as a thick area, which what they often tell you to look for with oral cancer.

30-01-16, 14:58
There are a lot of normal lumps and bumps inside the mouth.
Do you have access to a dentist?