View Full Version : Triggers on FB - "unfollowing" loads of friends!

30-01-16, 17:22
I am having dreadful HA at the moment, regarding my ENT issues. I have actually calmed down a little over the past few days, since I came onto this site, and found like-minded people. Thought I was doing really well despite the constant ads and campaigns on TV, which are triggers for me.

Was just having a scroll down my FB feed and someone has shared yet another well-meaning story about someone being misdiagnosed by his GP... and off I go again.

I know raising awareness is a massive necessity but in my current wobbly frame of mind I can't deal with it. I'm more than aware of my own body.

I find great comfort chatting to friends on FB but at the current rate they'll all be "hidden" from my news feed!


30-01-16, 17:43
Triggers are totally subjective and not limited to social media. One could argue that the thread titles on the forum are triggers too. It comes down to you allowing whatever you consider to be a trigger to be pulled.

You can't totally avoid them either. The key, at least in my experience is exposure, desensitization and acceptance.

Positive thoughts

30-01-16, 18:11
Hi Fishmanpa, good words as always. I did really badly with the 'exposure' part of my CBT for HA back in 2012! I was in full swing with a 'downer' when this bout of HA kicked off as it was, so it's proving tougher this time around xx

31-01-16, 03:21
I dont blame u for deleting people, I would do the same.

31-01-16, 09:59
I dont blame u for deleting people, I would do the same.

I've just been unfollowing their updates, haven't deleted them as such.. just don't want to see their "shares" xx

31-01-16, 10:00
I don't blame you . I would do the same x

31-01-16, 10:21
Why do they share health related stories? I don't use FB or anything like that, just this place, but I wouldn't be sharing things like that if I was. I don't have HA, I just would be more interested in non health subjects.

31-01-16, 10:34
I know Terry.. I generally like chatting with a small group of friends on FB, but certain individuals on my newsfeed seem to relish sharing tragedies and such like. Not just health related stories, also endless life tragedies. I wonder what goes on in their heads to make them constantly want to share misery! xx

31-01-16, 13:47
I get really sad when I see pictures of sick people. That's why I don't get on f. B anymore because I always have friends who share sad pictures, and it makes me scared and worried all day and night.

31-01-16, 17:16
Most people are not misdiagnosed - hence its newsworthy.

31-01-16, 17:49
Most people are not misdiagnosed - hence its newsworthy.

Good point! xx :yesyes::yesyes:

01-02-16, 06:03
Most people are not misdiagnosed - hence its newsworthy.

Whilst the news report rarer things because they sell, I think what people often miss is that there are also rarer things that are positive too. Look at the babies/children given a few years to live that make it into their teens, look at the people told they will never walk and now they are running marathons, the people who miraculously come out of comas when being turned off, etc!

Whilst those stories of death due to misdiagnosis scare people, they should also take hope from these stories of people who do what the medical professionals say they never will. That doesn't help with the issue HA sufferers have with getting absolute answers but it's a reminder that for all the horrible things, they are truly wondrous ones too - if you choose to see them.

01-02-16, 09:44
Whilst the news report rarer things because they sell, I think what people often miss is that there are also rarer things that are positive too. Look at the babies/children given a few years to live that make it into their teens, look at the people told they will never walk and now they are running marathons, the people who miraculously come out of comas when being turned off, etc!

Whilst those stories of death due to misdiagnosis scare people, they should also take hope from these stories of people who do what the medical professionals say they never will. That doesn't help with the issue HA sufferers have with getting absolute answers but it's a reminder that for all the horrible things, they are truly wondrous ones too - if you choose to see them.

I'm off watching the news at the moment Terry.. it is presented in such a negative way that I stay away from it. If I need to know summat, someone will tell me! It's been recommended in a few of my self help books. I'll try anything! x

01-02-16, 14:30
I deleted Facebook, just went back on the other day. Deleted the app of my phone again this morning someone sharing a young mum terminal illness I get so angry! Not their fault but I am like god dammit! I hid all the news pages etc but friends still share so I too have unfollowed about ten minutes ago.

I haven't been online in a few days and that is what made me check in right now so I am totally with you x at work on mobile so sorry if I am spelling wrong etc!

01-02-16, 16:00
I deleted Facebook, just went back on the other day. Deleted the app of my phone again this morning someone sharing a young mum terminal illness I get so angry! Not their fault but I am like god dammit! I hid all the news pages etc but friends still share so I too have unfollowed about ten minutes ago.

I haven't been online in a few days and that is what made me check in right now so I am totally with you x at work on mobile so sorry if I am spelling wrong etc!

Unfollowing is the way to go :yesyes:

The people who share this stuff obviously do not have HA issues.. I'm pretty sure that the only time I put so much as a "RIP" on fb was when our elderly head of year from school passed away, and even then we were sharing funny stories about him from years gone by. I've got another friend who re-posts all of the crime updates from her local police force.. grisly and all!

I swear some people get off on tragedies :ohmy:

07-02-16, 00:29
I had to unfollow a bunch of people for posting stupid things. Like, share if you think this thing should change and like if you think it shouldn't. 'Can Little Timmy get 345678987 prayers that his broken arm will heal?' and other nonsense stuff. It's perfectly fine to unfollow people sharing the type of content you don't want to see.
Although, it's worth knowing that you can set it to 'no longer see' posts from certain pages that they're sharing from, if that would be a good compromise for you?