View Full Version : Weird eye problems, please read?

30-01-16, 23:55
Hello, I am fairly new here and recently have been dealing with a lot of health anxiety. The past week or two have been more specifically about my eyes.

I am in need of a new prescription, which might explain some of this but I'm not sure. I have been noticing that when I focus on something from across the room, or over any distance more than a few feet, everything looks as if it's "shaking" or "vibrating". It is a very hard feeling to describe, but it makes me feel somewhat dizzy and just off. I find myself staring at things from across rooms or staring at straight lines. Certain very crisp lines look as if they're vibrating up and down but when I begin to move my eyes again, like looking somewhere else, the vibrating stops until my eyes go still again. I can't physically see my eyes moving so I don't think it's nystagmus. I have really only been noticing it for the last few days and I've been obsessing over it. It seems to get worse as the day moves on and occasionally my vision will "jump" as if my eyes have just shifted very rapidly. It feels like my eyes are constantly trying to adjust and readjust so fast that they just end up making everything shake:mad: Like I said, I really only notice this when my eyes are still, and for example, driving or walking around, I don't notice this as much.

Another thing -- it seems like I am so focused to the point where sometimes things will seem distorted, even without my glasses. When I think I notice this, and go back to look at said "distorted" object, it seems perfectly normal. However I wonder if this has anything to do with what seems like my eyes attempting to refocus every millionth of a second:scared15:

I went in for a regular eye check up a few weeks ago and I DIDN'T have my eyes dilated, however the doctor said the only thing new about my eyes is that I need a new prescription. I am near-sighted and have astigmatism. I am a 16 year old girl and otherwise healthy as far as I know, aside from being a bit overweight.

Does anyone experience "vibrating" eyes when focusing on something intensely, or do everyone's eyes shift a bit when you're very focused? Am I just thinking too much about it? I'm worried about MS or a brain tumor, or that I'll go blind from this :(

31-01-16, 01:30
I suffer from anxiety too and many physical symptoms have occurred from numbness and joint pains. You're not the only one who experiences that "shaky eye feeling". I'm also near sighted and wearing my glasses has helped since I'm not straining my eyes to see more clear. If you need glasses get them they'll definitely help you focus. And try not to worry. Positive thoughts. You're not going to go blind. You're not gonna suffer from a brain tumour. You can get yours eyes checked again just so you know you're okay. But remember positive thoughts hun. You're 16 perfect and healthy. This is all temporary :)

Best of wishes :)

31-01-16, 16:55
I bet you are staring at one spot for slightly too long = try it if you deliberatley stare you vision goes wobbly and it does this for everyone. Plus once you "notice" something in your eyes your brain latches onto this and "sees" much more. The fact its okay when you look back at the object seems to really back up what I am saying.
I am partially sighted with serious eye issues so unfortunetly am very well versed on eye problems and nothing you have said is bothering me in the slightest.