View Full Version : I really need this community to help!

31-01-16, 01:58
Ok so this week I have been having some abdominal discomfort but it is hard to pinpoint whether it is cramps, Gastrointestinal or muscular. My anxiety has also been heightened. I've been also feeling like I have to urinate all the time with a full bladder but there isn't that much when I go. So this morning after intercourse there was a tiny bit of blood. I freaked out. Panic attacks, and I went into the hospital. Had an amazing Dr. She did blood tests, urine tests, and a pelvic exam and said everything felt normal. She said to relieve my anxiety she would send me for a pelvic ultrasound this week. She to me not to worry, that she was not worried at all. I felt better when I left the hospital but am finding it hard again. Just can't shake it. Just keep thinking I have ovarian cancer or bladder or uterine cancer. Any thoughts or suggestions that could help this worried soul? I so appreciate it

31-01-16, 07:10
The one thing I will say is that hospitals are getting so much better with dealing with mental illness. Never once have I felt like I shouldn't have come or that I am wasting their time. My eyes are still puffy from all the crying I did this morning!

31-01-16, 08:53
I'd say to take reassurance that you have been checked out and told you are fine?

I know that's hard to do!

31-01-16, 19:38
Thanks. Anyone else?

31-01-16, 19:40
I agree with Shaz... What could anyone here say any more reassuring than a medical professional?

Positive thoughts

03-02-16, 04:39
So I went for a pelvic ultrasound and now I have to wait for the doctor to call. The radiologist told me that she didn't see anything abnormal. Stupid thing is that i am still so worried. Health anxiety makes no sense

03-02-16, 06:34
The radiologist is the individual who gives your doctor the results. It just has to be approved by your doctor before anyone can give you the results, or that's how it is in the US. Calm down if they see a tumor you don't leave. I an ultrasound technician, and she told me if they see anything suspicious a doctor is called in to look at it. Calm down and try to relax.

03-02-16, 08:26
Hi Hopeful
Many of us, including me, have been (and still are) where you are at the moment. We all have one thing in common - the reassurance doesn't work, or if it does, only for a short time.
You have been tested so much by your doctors, it is about as certain as is humanly possible that your physical health is ok. Unfortunately you do have a psychological illness - health anxiety. This needs treatment (therapy, maybe drugs) and self care (exercise, relaxation exercises, eating right, sleep). Also I would ask; is anything difficult going on your life right now? There is a theory that HA is a distraction to avoid feeling difficult emotions about other things.