View Full Version : Blood in stool fears!

31-01-16, 04:33
Maybe tmi, sorry!

It is me again. I ent to my dr a few days ago, he reassured me that I don't have skin cancer or any other type of cancer...but he did tell me that I shouldn't hold in my stool because that isn't good and that it can come out hard and tear the rectum. Yesterday I saw alot of blood in the toilet bowl and that instantly made me think I have colon cancer! Yes, it is also bright red. And I also think I'm constipated as I have been having those 'pellet'-like stools that are hard and uncomfortable to pass.

The thing I think that is scaring me is the amount of blood that was in there. I did no.2 again earlier, there was even more blood before. I am thinking that this is most likely an anal fissure or piles, but my mind of course has to jump to cancer.

31-01-16, 08:13
It sounds very much like piles or a fissure to me especially since you say it is bright red blood. I often get this and yes the amount of blood can be quite scary but is nothing to worry about.

01-02-16, 16:25
oh man i can relate. I know just how you feel. About 5 months ago, i started having a horrible episode of diarrhea that last about 12 days. 2 days into it, i noticed blood in it. I immediately diagnosed myself with colon cancer. This is gross, but one morning i was laying in bed, and i passed gas, and blood actually came out and was on my bed sheet. I was sobbing, convinced i was dying. It turned out that i had a tear from all the bathroom visits. I have self diagnosed myself with 3 other forms of cancer since. I have become obsessed and cant convince myself i dont have cancer.
blood in stools is usually caused by tears or hemerhoids, so try and keep that in mind. Its easier said than done, i know that first hand. But get to your doctor and im sure they will calm your nerves.

Good luck!