View Full Version : Hello Again!

27-02-07, 05:50
So I figure new board new ontroduction :) I've been wandering around no more panic for wow a little while now.. I found this place back when I was suffering horribly from Agoraphobia and was trying to get back on my feet. Since my arrival on the old board life for me has changed and I've become busy with work and other things.. never really find the time to post anymore but I'd like to! lol but these days I spend more time do other things and less time on the computer so here's my update!

My name is Trina I'm from New York and I'm going to be 33 in April and I've suffered from panic disorder since I was 10.. 23 years is a long time but with an over-protective Mother that who was a Nurse and bipolar herself you can imagine my childhood was anything but about being a child. I guess you can say I was always the adult.. having to endure things many children shouldn't even have to fathom. My attacks came in waves.. from the time I was 10 until I was well into High School where I was constantly in fear of dying. Mom worked in the emergency room at a local hospital and always had horror stories to provide me ranging from no you can't eat popcorn you'll choke to the tales of needles and razor blades in candy that all but turned me away from chocolate (I still have trouble eating it) I definately have OCD tendencies to go with my panic attacks.. although never offically diagnosed OCD.. If there is a spot in a bowl I won't eat from it for fear it is poisoned, I'm afraid of trying new things and change sends me off on a tizzy.

I worry too much for my own good lol.. about everything from the weather to why my legs hurt when I've walked too much or too fast.. silly things that most people wouldn't even concern themselves with haunt my mind regulary but at least I can leave the house now! Sometimes with a little bit of reservation but I can go out and when I do I usually feel better about it once I'm there. For a while I even gave up driving but with the help of my bf I'm functional in that department again. I've been through 2 marriages that for the lack of better terms and trying to keep my language under control sucked.. but I'm here to say.. I'm still here and fighting..

I've been on Effexor since Sept of 2005 and am currently at 150 mg's... My anxieties have gone from the kind that put you in the house to worries about my health.. which are my main concerns now and what brought me back here. No More Panic and the people here have always helped me to conquer the things that terrify my mind.

27-02-07, 10:57
Elo Shadow,
Welcome back hun..glad to have ye here...n no we all worry too much thats the prob lol...xxx

28-02-07, 14:36
Hi Trina

Welcome back - lovely to see you again.

28-02-07, 16:28
A big welcome back :)

Piglet x

28-02-07, 18:20
Hi Trina,

Welcome back nice to see you again :)


Trac xx

Pink Princess
01-03-07, 00:08
hey welcome back, hope you find the support you deserve and look forward to speaking to you

take kare

01-03-07, 09:11
Hi there Trina, hope your well today, you will find loads of support here!!! take care
