View Full Version : Still convinced this is sinister, consumed with dread...

31-01-16, 20:01
I know I've posted about this before and have received some really great advice, and for a bit I thought I was on the mend. But my fears have returned and they're all consuming...feeling really depressed at the moment. :(

To recap what I've posted about before, I have right-sided sinus pain, almost at the bridge and side of my nose, pain in my right eye brow and socket, an achy jaw, front tooth almost feels numb, constant feeling that I need to clear mucus in the back of my throat but nothing really comes out. Right side of nose nearly always blocked but not always with any mucus, sometimes just feels swollen. And lately any mucus I do have has blood in it at times.

I also have neck pain and a full feeling on that side, as well as a dry and irritated feeling where it seems like the nasal passage and throat connect at the upper back of the throat. I can press on the exact part of the side/back of my neck where the pain is most severe. That same part of my neck feels almost puffy/swollen though I can't feel any kind of hard lump. Can cervical disc issues cause all of this? I can also feel a pain/ache on the right side of my trapezius/shoulder/middle pack when I bring my chin to my chest.

Several months ago I saw my primary care doctor who ordered no further tests and thought it was related to neck/posture issues. Recommended I see a chiropractor...I did, she said the same thing and thought nothing was raising a red flag to her.

But the pain is still there and I can't stop obsessing about it, and the fact that maybe I didn't describe my symptoms well enough to my doctor or chiropractor. I still fear it's cancer.

It DOESN'T affect my eating or drinking, and if I'm really absorbed in something I tend not to think about it, but I can't help but worry that I'm just getting used to it at this point.

I would give anything to get over this! :(

31-01-16, 21:42
I think you're dealing with two, well not problems but inconveniences here.

The neck pain does sound like you just strained a muscle in your neck. A good massage/chiropractor can help.

The other sounds like dry airways. You could benefit from getting a humidifier. Also a saline spray can help.

04-02-16, 23:27
Thanks, rsanchez.

I do think you're right that I've got several things that could be going on, but I still can't shake the dread. My neck is constantly aching with a burning kind of pain on one side. I keep obsessing that it's due to a tumor, but I don't feel like cancer would cause this kind of pain?

:( Anyone else have any thoughts on that? It's been a rough week...

05-02-16, 01:09
Yeah and anxiety seems to intensify any pain that you have or at least it does for me. I was feeling the same way as you, and I went to an ent today he took an xray of my sinuses and told me I had no tumors or anything sinister, just a bad sinus infection. He told me to take some roads and antibiotics and to use my neti pot. Dude I was freaking out 2 days ago the pain in my face and neck and I also had bloody mucus. Try to relax and trust your docs if u want reassurance go to an ENT and get some imaging done on your sinuses. I was getting that xray thinking this is it this is where he tells me I have an inoperable tumor. It didn't happen he told me if I were a 65 year old wood worker or nickel plater then I needed to worry. He said nasal cancer is very rare in young adults.

05-02-16, 02:31
Thanks, nivekc! I'm glad everything turned out well, but I know what you mean.

It's been several months since I've seen my doctor so I keep panicking that my symptoms have since gotten worse or that they've missed something.

I've been trying not to poke and prod but tonight I found what feels like a swelling/mass on the right side of my neck (where the pain is) which feels like a big lump, and suddenly the lymph node directly behind my ear lobe swelled up to probably a cm or so?

:( Panicking now...my neck for sure feels swollen on that side.

05-02-16, 05:51
Try to stop touching it just poking the area around them makes them swell. When I'm anxious any time I go looking for a lump I find it. Then I poke and prod it until the area is sore. Then I wake up the next day freaking out about how sore it is. Centimeter is normal try not to worry about lumps unless u can see them through the skin. I learned that the hard way lol

05-02-16, 07:45
Too young for neck cancer

05-02-16, 09:37
Hi Angela xx Sorry to hear you're feeling worse! How soon can you get in to see your GP over there?

L x