View Full Version : Excess underarm fat..? Is it breast tissue..? Lymph nodes? Soft tissue sarcoma?

01-02-16, 03:51
I'm not fat by any means, I'm average not a stick either. But, for some reason I have a flap under only one of my underarms and not the other. I noticed it 3 years ago and had a HA worry over it and went to the doctor and he just told me it'll be gone within 6 months. 3 years later and it's still here. Now I'm worried about it again. It's not hard and I can't really feel like a lump. It's just like tissue? I'm scared it's soft tissue sarcoma or something like that as cancer like that is known to effect young people and it's painless.

Does anyone have one underarm with more tissue or fat or whatever this is than the other? I've been to the doctors a million times over the past few weeks over melanoma fears and I don't want to embarrass myself and bother my parents to go again, plus it'll just feed my anxiety. I've seen pictures that look similar to what I have and it looks like excess axillary breast tissue but it seems to only happen in pregnant woman. I'm a 17 year old boy lol and I don't have excess breast tissue in my chest.

I'll try explain it further. When both my arms are down, I have a flap on my left side under my arm and nothing on my right. If I pull my elbow back behind my back it shows a lump in my underarm. But it's still soft and I can't actually feel a foreign sort of lump in there. Maybe this is just a normal thing lol, but I'm scared it's something else because I am male.

Looks like attached picture but only on one side.

01-02-16, 12:33
Ok... what I see is totally normal. If you're referring to that bit of excess body fat between your pectoral and arm? Why you would be remotely concerned with this? The reason it's on one side and not the other is normal body asymmetries.

If you are.... Working your chest with bench presses, flys etc. in the gym will fill that in ;)

Positive thoughts

01-02-16, 12:48
I still struggle with the fact that my body isn't exactly the same down either side... blame my military background.. :roflmao: