View Full Version : feel like I can't go on like this anymore

01-02-16, 09:43
I'm really starting to feel like I can't go on feeling like this anymore. I am 100% totally convinced that something is seriously wrong with my body. along with the headaches that I've had all day everyday for the last 2 weeks, I now feel like I'm loosing sensation in my body. my left arm keeps feeling really uncoordinated and I feel like its really heavy, I feel like I keep tripping over and feeling off balance as well. my body feels slightly numb at times as well and like my lips and mouth feel like they have limited sensation, as well as parts of my face and my fingertips and feet. im genuinely terrified I have cancer or an auto immune disease like MS. I just don't know what is wrong with my body, I cannot deal with this fear anymore. I had 2 days off work last week because I didn't feel up to it and I just felt like I was pacing the house in a panic, or lying on the sofa trying to calm down because I was that worried that I was about to drop dead.
I'm terrified I'm going to die every day, I am convinced my body is under threat by a terminal illness. I've seen 4 doctors over the last 10 days, and all of them have sent me away. My bloods have been clear but that's the only check I've had done, I just feel like they're not interested in me and keep telling me that everything is caused by anxiety, but I don't believe it can be because why would my whole body feel numb, a permanent headache for 2 weeks, sickness, and a complete feeling of abnormality be caused by anxiety.

I just can't cope with this anymore. I'm on a waiting list for therapy which is 6 months long. Any advise on how to cope would be greatly appreciated because I'm struggling to get through the day at the moment and am wholly convinced I have a brain tumour or something just as bad. I've just had enough.

01-02-16, 12:19
Can the doctor prescribe an an SSRI or other anti-anxiety med? These symptoms sound like classic anxiety/OCD symptoms. I've been in the same exact state and that's what it was. I didn't want to believe it either. Please call dr and ask for medication. I promise you'll feel better!

01-02-16, 12:47
Good going on getting the referral. I agree with asking for a med to help in the mean time. Also, there are several on-line (downloadable) CBT courses that you could start working on. There was one here (no longer) that I found very useful but it did take a concerted effort.

Hope you feel better.

Positive thoughts