View Full Version : Panic attacks & fear of being alone

01-02-16, 14:44
Lately I have a really strong fear about being alone.. In case I panic or pass out and no one is around to help me. I know it's irrational and I've gotten help for it in the past, but this time it's so bad and my agoraphobia is so bad, that I can't find the motivation to go back to my therapist. I didn't sleep well at all last night because I know I'll have to be alone for a portion of the morning today.

I'm 33 and feel like a total failure. I am so upset with myself that I've let my anxiety get so bad. You would think after 5 years of this, I would be an expert at coping with these irrational fears but I'm not. Anyone else have this fear of being alone during times of high anxiety? How do you cope? Thanks for reading this and letting me vent a bit! :)

01-02-16, 15:36
Yep, I sure do. I am 36 and have struggled with anxiety since I quit using drugs at 17. Anxiety has started to come back with a vengeance the last couple weeks. I refuse to medicate for it because of my history with substance abuse so I am starting therapy tomorrow. Hoping they can work with me on CBT and other methods of coping. Sorry I don't have much advice for you....other than to let you know that you aren't alone in this!!

01-02-16, 15:46
Thanks for your response! CBT is what helped me the most a few years back when my anxiety and agoraphobia was at its worst. I know I need to go back to my CBT therapist because this is really debilitating. My mom ended up picking me up and we are going to run some errands she needs to get done. I really don't feel like going out when my anxiety is this bad, but I also don't want to be alone either. This sucks!

Hoping the best for you and that CBT brings you some relief. Hugs!

01-02-16, 16:21
Thank you ☺ you as well!!

02-02-16, 01:55
I've had panic attacks on and off over the last 15 or so years and usually can conquer it, but this time has been the worst. I'm trying to make myself go out so I don't continue to get worse. Today my husband was getting ready to leave for a couple of hours and I said "Don't leave me"....surprised myself. Hate feeling like this when I've always been so independent. I guess we just have to keep pushing through.

02-02-16, 02:07
I am experiencing the same thing and it's just awful. I live alone and until recently have loved my own space, my little haven away from work etc.

Since my anxiety returned and now depression, having been off work for 3.5 months, being alone is like torture. I have so much time on my hands and little to do and also feel trapped because of the anxiety making me afraid to go out much, plus the depression making me not really want to talk to anyone. It's a vicious circle uinfortunately.

Being alone too much makes things worse so I am having to force myself out when I can. I have two dogs that need walked so I pretty much have to do that everyday, though some days I've had to get a friend to take us as I just can't manage it.

I have found that having something planned for each day helps a bit so then I have seen someone and achieved something. All i want to do is sleep, but I am unable to do so and only getting 3-4 hours a night so it makes for a LOT of time feeling unwell on your own!

Try planning a few days ahead and have something booked in each day. Hope that helps a little.

02-02-16, 03:56
Yep. I'm 28, enjoyed life out of home from age 23-27 (even lived by myself for 2 years) and then agoraphobia and anxiety came back with a vengeance and had to move back home. Couldn't grocery shop anymore, can't date, I can only go to and from work because I HAVE to do that. I hate being alone for the same reasons you mentioned. I totally relate. Wish I had solutions and I have overcome this before but it feels even more intense this time. I knew I was in trouble when I met a friend for a beach walk and she wanted to go across the street to get a coffee and I can't drink coffee cause I get anxious, so she told me to wait and I said I needed to come with her. It was only across the street! :( I'm about to go read agoraphobia success stories because I don't know what to do anymore with the beast.