View Full Version : Please tell me I'm overthinking!

01-02-16, 15:04
I suffer regularly with cystitis and UTI's and have done for about ten years. Usually antibiotics will clear them up pretty quickly. However I'm over three weeks into this one. I've had two lots of antibiotics not work, I sent in a repeat sample which came back clear with no infection yet I was still getting the symptoms. I went back and the doctor felt my stomach which she said was very tender and gave me more antibiotics in case the infection hadn't fully cleared. At that time I had to take in another sample which they sent off.

I'm feeling a little better on these antibiotics and the symptoms are less and less although not fully gone. I just got a phone call from the doctor's receptionist saying a doctor needs to speak to me regarding my latest results and will call me in the morning. Usually if there's an infection they will either just ask for a repeat or they will have been given a prescription for further treatment by a doctor for me to pick up.

Now I'm panicking that something is really wrong. I know I'm probably overthinking but it just seemed ominous that she wouldn't give any information over the phone to me about what was wrong (which they would do if it was an infection) and are waiting for a doctor to speak to me instead. I'm trying to tell myself that if it was really bad they'd have a doctor call me immediately but I'm still freaking out :(

01-02-16, 19:54
I am not medically trained in the slightest I have even banned myself from google! However surely they can't find anything too exciting in your wee anyway? Plus if they had and it was something bad they absolutely must speak to you.
I have had the same once and I cried like well I dont like to think, but anyway I cried to the receptionist saying look I have health anxiety I need to know now I can't deal with it and I got a call that day.

Ended up being " I am changing your antibiotics I need to know if your allergic to.... before I write up the prescription"

So try not to worry xxxx