View Full Version : Terrified i have every form of cancer

01-02-16, 16:06
Hello. I am new here. Im glad to find this site, as my anxiety about my health is getting out of control. Here is my story:
I was always pretty care-free about my health. If i felt a pain or sensation, i ignored it, because it usually went away. In 2011, i was extremely tired, and i couldnt lose any weight. So i saw my doctor, and she noticed my neck was puffy. Upon further tests and ultrasounds, i was diagnosed with Hashimotos thyroiditis. I had goiters on my thyroid, so initially i feared i had thyroid cancer. But that was ruled out once i got on meds, and the goiters shrunk.
In late 2011, one of my best friends passed away at 44 of cancer. He had been deemed cancer free in the summer of 2011, and just a couple months later, he phoned me to tell me it had gone to his brain, and it wasnt good. He passed away 3 months after that. I was devastated. He was a brother to me, and it was very difficult coping with it. I still to this day, think about him and how unfair it is that we lost him so young.
Over the past few years, i started obsessing with cancer more and more. If i found out someone had cancer, i assumed they were going to die. It seemed like every one was dying of cancer, even though we dont usually hear about the many people that beat it.
My problems really started last fall, when i started having really bad, sudden, constant diarrhea. And after a couple day of this, i noticed blood in my stools. I immediately panicked. It continued for a few days, so i went to the emergency. The dr there told me i had a viral infection. Not sure how that caused bleeding, but i went with it. I happened to already have an appointment with my doctor the following week, so she told me the diarrhea was a viral infection, due to the lack of symptoms, and the way it started etc, and all the bathroom visits may have caused a tear somewhere. A few days later, the bleeding and diarrhea stopped and i was back to normal. The tests from the emergency were also fine. About 3 weeks later, i had a bout of diarrhea, and there was some blood in it. Not lots, but any isnt a good thing. So i went into panic mode again, and called my dr the next morning. I couldnt get in for 3 weeks. Those 3 weeks were hell. I stopped playing tennis, and all i did was lay on the couch. I wasnt sleeping well. I wasnt eating. I was convinced i had colon cancer. So every little sensation i felt, seemed huge. Every time i went to the bathroom, i inspected it (sorry for the grossness) to look for any signs of blood or other abnormalities. I had no signs of blood again, but i was still convinced. So when i finally got to my dr, i told her what was going on, and she did a scope of some sort and told me she found a small tear and thats what was bleeding. I immediately felt better. It only lasted about 10 days though. One day i started having what felt like indigestion, and i was instantly convinced i had esophageal cancer. So for another month and half or so, i was obsessing with my esophagus region. I started having heartburn, acid reflux and burping lots. I know stress is horrible for the digestive system. Then finally the symptoms started going away. Then i started feeling a lump in my throat once in a while when i swallowed. So i was convinced i have throat cancer. Then i woke up one morning with a bit of back pain. I had a deep sleep the night before as i was exhausted from New Years celebrations so i figured i slept funny. It wasnt painful, it was just there, you know. It didnt interfere with movement or exercise or anything. But because my mind doesnt think straight, i started googling back pain causes, and of course numerous different cancers can cause back pain. As does millions of other things, but i ignore those ones. I focus on the word cancer. Now 4 weeks later, the back ache isnt gone, and my anxiety is getting worse again. I had promised myself i would stay off the internet regarding health issues, but im at it again. Now every sensation in my back is making me think i have either lung, esophagus, kidney or pancreatic cancer. Or perhaps cancer of the spine. I cannot convince myself that i dont have cancer. And the stupid thing is, even if i did have cancer, i need to know. But im scared to know. I have a 10 year old daughter that needs me, and i know catching things early is key, so why am i so afraid to find out if i have anything? I have a dr appointment this week. Im going to get a massage referral, and hopefully that helps. Im considering going back on meds for my anxiety. I miss the old, carefree fun person i was.
Sorry for the long story. I need to talk to people who suffer with these problems and try and find a solution. Do i start meds, counselling, reading books? Any advice is welcome.
Thank you in advance for your help :)

01-02-16, 16:27
No advice really but just to let you know you're not alone. I have been obsessed with cancer for a very long time and I too am convinced every symptom is cancer related to the point where I've fully convinced myself that I'm going to die of cancer when I'm still fairly young. Sometimes it's a small comfort to know it's not just you that thinks this way :hugs:

01-02-16, 16:29
Bless you HungryAnnie.. you're in good company on here, we all have HA issues and we can try and support each other as best we can xxx


01-02-16, 16:45
Hi Annie, welcome and so very sorry you are struggling with this, but know that you are not alone!

This forum has been really helpful to me whenever I get really consumed by thoughts (like you, I am also obsessed with cancer) or when I get the urge to Google symptoms. I try to come here now instead and remind myself that many others are going through the same thing.

I might start by talking to a primary care doctor/GP and see what they say. Meds are a valuable and legitimate option for many, but talking to a doctor will help you understand all the options (therapy, CBTs, lifestyle changes, etc.)

Best wishes to you and we are always here if you need someone to listen!

02-02-16, 21:18
Hi Annie, I can echo what everyone says here about you not being alone. I also really understand what you are saying because I feel exactly the same. Since my mum died of breast cancer 18 months ago I have been convinced that all the stress and grieving symptoms were symptoms of cancer (indigestion, acid reflux, change in bowel habit, difficulty breathing, breast pain both sides, sore ribs, lower abdominal cramping pains, headaches......on and on, etc). I am convinced I have a cancer somewhere; Dr doesn't seem worried about any of this. Oh, and feel physically sick when I contemplate going to the Dr and couldn't attend my first screening mammogram. How miserable for all of us, but at least we have each other on the message boards xx

02-02-16, 22:05
Hi im new too , I completely understand how you feel my HA has rocketed o er the last 10 months . 2 weeks ago I was feeling cervix for traces of cancer and made myself sore and brushing my chest checking for lumps . I've seen my GP and she gave me Setroline which I have been taking and feel a bit better but not much as still early days . She reffered me to a psychologist that has reffered me to someone who deals with HA. It's horrible as we can't run away from our own heads !! . Maybe speak to your GP to see about some help with your feelings Kim xxx

---------- Post added at 22:05 ---------- Previous post was at 22:03 ----------

Should say I have been taking Setroline for 4 weeks and before that Citalopram but did not work for me xx

22-02-16, 06:18
Hi, I'm also new to this forum (2nd post) and have had a fear of cancer since I was young. My mother (88 still living) was a dreadful hypochondriac and used me as her sounding board! Even though I know it was just her fear, I've got very tangled up with it.

A couple of weeks ago, it was oesophageal spasms so I had a gastroscopy (all clear), now it's back to the intermittent lower right abdominal pains, so off to gynaecologist tomorrow for ultrasound and an abdominal scan booked for Friday!

I'm sure many of the symptoms I've had over the years have been a direct result of stress, but somehow I just can't stop myself worrying. It's comforting to know that others feel like this too.

I do have some autoimmune issues but am pretty fit for 59. I have a lovely boyfriend of 3 years and don't want to always be talking to him about my cancer fears. I have let him know that I have an HA issue, so he is supportive :)

22-02-16, 09:14
Same boat here!

I am consumed with the fear of having cancer or any terminal illness for that fact. I'm only 25 but the fear has me at the point of waking up in the night looking for symptoms that don't even exist!

It's hard but I'm going to be visiting my GP soon hopefully to try and resolve this - It's consuming and all feels very real indeed!

Good luck and please do keep us posted!

22-02-16, 10:37
I'm the same, I'm 25 and Ive only had this since last July. I had it as a child but I didn't have the Internet then so worries just went away as I played hide and seek and built dens ha.

I've had three worries in one day. I'm getting stronger. I still have relapses. But last night I had a mild mild headache which would usually get me online but I said, out loud, ah ive not drank enough today, and I'm a bit tired. Logical reasons. I woke up with slight leg cramp but realised I'd been sleeping funny as it was a strange bed.

09-07-16, 19:01
Hi guys I want you to know your not alone! I'm 23 and have suffered with servere HA since I was 17! It's been a long old road and im still on that f***ing road lol! The past 2 months in perticular have been such a difficult time I went though somethings that landed me in having to have a d&c for retained products that was the worst day ever crying uncontrollably because I was being put to sleep! But that went brilliantly long story cut short I've been in and out of A&E first time was all my HA because I had an infection sorry that was be fore the d&c then back in a couple of days after d&c for extreme pain in lower stomach everything came back fine, then just for my reassurance I put in a urine sample at my own doctors Thursday they rang me back Friday saying they had dipped it and it showed some white blood cells! (Cried my eyes out thinking I'm going to die) when will this end! I've now gone on to find a mole that's was itchy today no other symptoms looks like but that sparked me on to look at one on the leg witch has jagged edges and slightly faded edges! My HA has gone completely hit the roof!! I THINK I have every cancer possible I have every infection possible I have blood clots all over my body I have all sort of heart problems the list is endless! When will I ever be free of HA my life and my children's life's are being completely affected by the I'm being fined by the educational welfare because my child is late or sometimes not in school because of my HA I'm currently staying with my mum and leaving my partner of 8 years at home on his own because of my HA!!! Although I am absolutely terrified of dying sometimes I think would it be easier to take my own life instead of some illness/disease!! (I love my babies and want the best life so them but my HA is holding me back I don't want to leave them behind) :weep:

10-07-16, 19:05
Hi i am geezer 46 from England,and every single thing you have written could be me and i do mean that.I have suffered H/A for many long years and you are not alone in being in fear of cancer.My own Mother had cancer aged 50 she got treatment early and lived to be 87 and died of heart problems.She told me to be wary of symptoms good advice she must have thought but it left me scared stiff of any bodily itch ,ache ,or pain.I have just had all my bloods done doc says i am fine,so i think of all the things bloods do not find and so it goes on.Health anxiety plays with our digestive system so i also think stomach or pancreas but in my head i have had any disease you wish to mention,i write this to let you know that you are not alone with these feelings of fear.If you wish to chat to me about it i would be very pleased to hear from a fellow sufferer,all my best to you Annie geezer46.