View Full Version : Acid reflux/hiatal hernia

01-02-16, 16:37
Hi all,

Having gone through nearly a month of horrendous anxiety and doctors telling me I'm 'ok', I feel like I'm clutching at straws but I have recently been reading up about acid reflux and hiatal hernia and it seems to tie in with all my symptoms.

I know, I know, I shouldn't be self-diagnosing or looking at Dr Google but I have to get to the bottom of this..

My symptoms:

Feeling bloated very easily.
Occasional burning in my oesophagus.
Chronic dry cough that comes and goes - particularly bad after eating.
Pressure below my sternum where the top of the stomach is.
Shortness of breath that comes and goes (this is the scary one!)
General feeling of nausea that comes and goes.
And what can only be described as a 'scratchy' 'prickly' feeling in my chest.

My uncle has Hiatal Hernia and acid reflux but his symptoms don't seem to be this extensive.

Can anyone relate to this? I've been fearing that I have something far worse than this, which is typical of me and that just adds to the anxiety.. :mad:


01-02-16, 17:24
when i have reflux i have anxiety the two for me always come together!
