View Full Version : Low mood? Anyone else

dizzy daisy
01-02-16, 17:27
Hi all
Is anyone else suffering from low mood with this? I've had this bout of anxiety for a few months now and I've noticed I'm experiencing periods of low mood too. Maybe it's just because I'm so fed up of the anxiety or it could be just a response to a few personal issues I'm dealing with right now.
I'm not on meds, I'm just starting with counselling which hopefully should help me out.
Any hints or tips that have worked for you?

01-02-16, 17:42
I think a lot of low mood has to do with the time of year, we need sunshine!

01-02-16, 17:53
Me, me and me again! I feel so depressed which enhances my HA, which enhances my depression :-(
I've felt like this since about July now.

---------- Post added at 17:53 ---------- Previous post was at 17:51 ----------

The only thing that works for me is to try to keep my mind off things. Try watching a fave TV programme or get lost in a good book. The only thing with that is I feel I'm wasting my life away but if the alterative is sitting feeling low then I'll put up with feeling like I'm wasting my life.

dizzy daisy
01-02-16, 17:58
Thanks guys
It's nice to know I'm not alone, but of course I wouldn't wish anyone else to suffer this horrible thing.
I'm taking some vit D supplements to try and raise my mood and energy levels and have booked a week in the sun - not too beginning of April though boo hoo. I think this time of year does play its part.
Thanks for your advice kee kee. I'm still in work, trying my best to keep busy, but the panic attacks are horrid and half the time I wish I was home ha ha. Just got to keep going until it passes I suppose. Let's hope it's not too long now for all of us.
Thanks again xxxx

01-02-16, 18:02
Ah panic attacks are horrid. Although I'd never recommend medication I can say Propranolol stopped mine altogether.
It's great you are still in work, I quit studying when I developed panic attacks and am now terrified of working/studying again (my HA has caused generalised anxiety now) so I think anyone who continues working should be proud.

dizzy daisy
01-02-16, 18:34
Thank kee kee
I can relate to that as my previous bout of anxiety some 13 years or so ago now made me very anxious and and so I started working from home. This was a mistake for me as I then started to become agoraphobic for a while.
That's why I push myself into work now because I don't want to be in a position where I'm frightened to go to work etc. It's a horrible thing to deal with that's for sure.
In my experience you can work/ study again with GAD. It's not at all easy to start, but you can get back into it. For me I got a part time job, just 10 hours a week to start and I bloody hated it, but I just said to myself it's only a few hours a day. After about 6 months I increased my hours to 30 per week, again it was hard but after a year I was back on track doing 40 hours with no problems. I'm not at all underestimating how hard that is, even thinking of it but just wanted you to know there is hope xxxx

01-02-16, 19:41
I was into a "downer" when my current episode of HA started.. Been going on since mid-November and it's made it all the harder to bear xxx


dizzy daisy
01-02-16, 19:48
Aww I'm sorry to hear that. It does make it worse to deal with at times. At least we know we're not alone with this though.
Are you on any meds? I'm just doing counselling fur now xxxx

02-02-16, 12:23
I'm in a low mood today. I was in Edinburgh for the last few days and my OCD and panics were pretty much non existent while I was away but now that I am home, my OCD is sky high and I just feel very down and deflated especially as my therapy got canclled today due to the weather and I wont have another appointment for up to three weeks so I feel a bit meh and almost on my own. I'm not on meds, never felt comfortable taking meds plus I have OCD contamination fears so that stops me from taking them. Usually when I have a low mood I would sing or play Skyrim but for the last few weeks, those haven't really been cutting it so now I'm just chilling on my laptop and going with it. I don't like it but it'll pass eventually, it always does.

dizzy daisy
02-02-16, 16:44
Hi ginger
Thanks for your reply. It's strange how it went while you were away. I was the same. I worried that I might ruin the trip away as j was feeling low with fatigue and panics, but I actually coped ok and seemed lots better. I think it's because we take ourselves out of a situation or place. I was worrying that this might be physical in cause - even though I had bloods fine to rule that out- but I think that break helped me to accept that this is emotional rather than physical.
I'm struggling with the low mood as I've not had this previously. I'll see my counsellor tomorrow. That will be my third session and I'm only entitled to 6 sessions.
I'm glad not alone but I do feel bad that you're suffering too xxxx

02-02-16, 19:45
Aww I'm sorry to hear that. It does make it worse to deal with at times. At least we know we're not alone with this though.
Are you on any meds? I'm just doing counselling fur now xxxx

I'm on Escitalopram, had my meds upped since I started on this HA episode. Had a rubbish trip to ENT today so am feeling particularly cruddy this evening! xx

dizzy daisy
02-02-16, 20:54
Oh no you poor thing. Why did you go to ENT? I've been there years ago because I kept having horrible headaches and sinus pressure. That's when my anxiety started really.
Do you think the meds help much? I'm unsure whether to try them. I'm doing my best to just concentrate on the counselling for now xx

02-02-16, 20:59
I was initially referred for my sinuses but my ears have been giving me grief. Just gutted that I didn't get any real answers, despite going prepared with notes and such.

I've been on a low dose of Escitalopram for a few years but it has been increased over the past 6 weeks. I never used to take meds for low moods but that changed when my daughter was born, I had post-natal depression.. with a new baby I had less time to try techniques/natural therapies and such :)

It's finding one that suits you. What meds have you been given? xx

dizzy daisy
02-02-16, 21:15
Yes when I went to ENT they couldn't find anything definitive either and I was just left in limbo. It did eventually calm
Down on its own but I was told just to accept and deal with the fact that I'm sensitive to changes in temperature, pollen etc and will always be headachy ��
I'm not on any meds as I'm trying out the counselling first. The GP said she thinks that's best and if it first help or I feel like I'm getting worse she will prescribe something xxx

02-02-16, 21:26
For me it is this time of year. I think it is the season! For the last few years I seem to hit a funk in Feb and early March

dizzy daisy
02-02-16, 21:39
Thanks worrywart. I'm trying so hard to get through this. I do think the weather isn't helping at all. So cold and miserable. I'm taking vits including a vit D to try and boost myself a bit. Xxx