View Full Version : blindness fear

01-02-16, 17:53
I have posted on these forums several times about the fear of going blind. After several awful symptoms I finally have some sort of explanation as to what is going on with my eyes (all related to dryness and blepharitis). Now I'm stupidly worried about eye floaters, I see them mostly when I look up at the sky but they have changed from small see through circles to the circles joining up and almost creating a worm like shape. Becoming extremely scared about my retinas.

01-02-16, 17:59
Why not get an eye test for peace of mind?
Eye floaters are very common even my GP said they have them and there is currently another post on them.
I experience flickering vision and my eyes have been checked out and are fine I mentioned blindness as that petrifies me and she simply said no.
We can experience all sorts of symptoms without them having any true cause.

01-02-16, 18:01
Thanks for your reply. I've had loads of eye tests, dialled exams and scans. Everything was fine, I've been seeing like a blue pin prick in my vision also when I move my eyes quickly

01-02-16, 18:04
Did they mention your floaters? If not I bet they couldn't even see them (like in my case too, I also had dilation test) so they must be tiny.
I see a black pin prick in my vision, always have and used to think it was my pupil, not sure if that's possible but I don't worry about it as I've had it many years and the optician stated she couldn't see any floaters at all.

01-02-16, 18:10
Have a read of this...


Floaters are TOTALLY normal.

Positive thoughts