View Full Version : Genuinely terrified of sudden Lymphoma panic. PLEASE HELP!!

01-02-16, 23:37
Hi Lovely People,

Well, I have been in control of my HA for 12 whole months!! Woohoo. I am very proud & happy that i've found ways to be in control of my thoughts - however I am back at square one again and I'd REALLY appreciate your help as I am seriously freaking out and in a downward spiral :(

I'll keep this as short as possible:-

2 weeks ago I woke up with a terrible bout of Tonsilitis. Both tonsils were inflammed, red, swollen and painful. I had a slight fever and my whole body ached. I was bed ridden for the day. Two days later I was feeling better and went for a walk - still not 100% at all but much better. I will mention this now that I am a professional Jazz singer - it is relevant (I think! :) )

That week (five days after bed ridden day) I had a gig - it was OK, my voice wasn't perfect due to all of the inflammation i'd had but it was fine. Over the past two weeks we have had many many gigs, I do drink and I do smoke - I'm 27 years old. Over the past couple of weeks after 90% of our gigs my voice has been weaker/horse and my throat has ended up very sore/inflammed.

After a few days of thinking this horrible virus had left my body, it started up again, starting out as a tired throat and some pain after gigs, but then I'd start waking up in the night with a really sort throat. It would be gone the next day and return that night. Three days ago my left Tonsil ONLY, started swelling, then the next morning was gone. Although I have had during this time constant blocked sinuses, runny nose, mild earache etc.

However last night we had a gig, I was drinking Rum (I was a little tipsy by the end i'll admitt) and singing A LOT. By the end of the gig I couldn't even speak properly (due to the horse voice not the alcohol!). Throughout the night my left tonsil was swollen again and I noticed a small white spot on it (which is still there but smaller). It was like this until I fell asleep. JUST ONE TONSIL?! The other one is fine!! I am still at this point showing signs of a very bad cold/blocked sinuses. Sneezing, coughing, very very very runy nose etc.

Here is where I am today and what brings me to this website -

I woke up today with no swollen tonsil, my throat slightly sore and voice horse. I spent the day finally taking some Ibuprofen, drinking tea & honey and some a lot of Vicks Vapour rub which has unblocked my sinuses massiely!! My voice is also a little better. HOWEVER I noticed TWO swollen lymph nodes on the left side of my neck (same side as swollen tonsil) one under the jaw which i always get during tonsilitis so not worried about and one just below which feels to me pretty big!!! It is moveable and tender and now after much prodding a little sore.

I am terrified I have Lymphoma, I knew a woman who actually died with it and was diagnosed at my age :,(

A few things that sparked my HA into an out of control demon -

I know I shouldn't google lymphoma but I did!! I cracked!! And it said a swollen tonsil on one side is a sign, as is pain after drinking alcohol and after last nights gig of drinking I came home to one swollen tonsil and a very sore throat!

ALSO, why would, what started out as normal tonsilitis in both sides turn into just one side?

And of course - this new swollen lymph node on one side.

I know it's probably a horrible infection that I have not helped with zero vocal rest, drinking and having the odd cigarette - but I have never had something like this - usually everything happens on both sides!! (I have had tonsilitis many times and never remember this on just one side)


Does it sound really serious? Do you think I have an underlying issue here? And is two weeks too long for this virus to still be in my body?

I have been working a lot - I am very tired as my body clocks up the wall - I was so concerned about this last night that I actually didn't sleep until 7am this morning!!

Please note:- I'm not a "rock and roll" musician, when I say I drink, this isn't every gig, last night I thought Rum would help my throat.


That's that, replies would be so appreciated!! I can't explain how scared I am currently feeling.

Thank You, beautiful Souls!! Xxxxx

02-02-16, 02:44
Hi there! Sorry you're feeling miserable. I just went through all of this a few weeks ago. I was sick for 2-3 weeks and also had swollen tonsil on one side along with swollen nodes. And to be honest I was also fearful of lymphoma bcs my brother was recently diagnosed with it. BUT it was just a virus and everything went away and I am fine now. I'm worrying about other stuff but that's the nature of HA! :/

Anyway, I asked my doctor about the swollen tonsil on one side and she said it was because of drainage on that side. So there's a reason for it apparently. Just take it easy, get lots of rest & fluids, and don't smoke or drink until you feel completely better. That stuff lowers your resistance and it takes longer to get better.