View Full Version : Lump again

02-02-16, 07:55
So here i am again , I'm so sorry to keep posting about the same thing, I'm so paranoid about this lump in my breast that they're saying is a fatty lipoma , it's mobile but in the morning when I wake up its bigger , if I mess with it slightly it seems to shrink , surely this is not normal, I keep seeing "signs" of breast cancer everywhere I look , the other day 2 of my friends posted a woman of 39 on Facebook with terminal breast cancer , I can't shake this fear , I had it scanned last year , in so worried it's making me ill.

02-02-16, 08:08
I understand your concern, but from my understanding, for it to possibly be cancer it would just keep growing and you wouldn't be able to move it.

I'm honestly having a pretty similar worry right now. Lumps, except there's two, one on each of my thighs. Someone suggested a lipoma, but honestly I just want it to be nothing so they can go away. Just the fact that there is a lump unnerves me. So I definitely get where you're coming from.

02-02-16, 12:30
Just the other week....

So today I went to my gp about my breast lump and she wasn't concerned , she said she didn't feel anything that concerned her , she gave me some meds for my anxiety and referred me for counselling , so will just see what happens , I'm gonna throw my all into getting better as this health anxiety is so tiring and wearing me out x

What meds were you prescribed? Did you start? Did you get a date for therapy to start?

Positive thoughts

02-02-16, 12:35
I have taken them I don't really See a difference just extreme tiredness , they are beta blockers , my therapy hasn't started yet still waiting :-( x

02-02-16, 12:46
I have taken them I don't really See a difference just extreme tiredness , they are beta blockers , my therapy hasn't started yet still waiting :-( x

Ahhh I see. I take a beta blocker for my heart issues. Beta blockers are beneficial in that it puts a ceiling on how hard your heart works. The anxiety aspect is that it will limit your physical response to panic and stressful situations. They may make you a little tired too as they do lower BP, which again is beneficial for panic and stressful situations. There are many sufferers who take them. Look in the Propranolol forum in the Medication section. That seems to be the most commonly prescribed Beta Blocker for anxiety sufferers.

Hang in there for the appointment. My understanding is that it takes a bit to come through going through the NHS.

Keep on reading what the doctor said in your post. That's the best reassurance you can get!

Positive thoughts

02-02-16, 12:51
Thanks fishmanpa, yes its propranolol that I take , I felt great when the dr told me she wasn't concerned but the doubts have crept back and In the back of my mind I feel I know it is sinister , my husband won't even entertain the idea of feeling it and to be honest it doesn't make a difference because the reassurance lasts minutes , thanks for your replies as always. X

02-02-16, 13:05
to be honest it doesn't make a difference because the reassurance lasts minutes X

^^That's^^ the real issue. You're posting again about the same thing you've been posting about for a long time and at this point nothing anyone can say, even medical professionals, is helping. Good going for getting the meds and referral. Those are the first steps in healing.

I saw a post from another member who, like yourself, is (hopefully was) convinced of a brain tumor. All tests conclusively proved he is physically well.

His doctor used this analogy... If you are looking for an item in a drawer and believe its there how many times will you look after the first time before you in the end realize that its not there?

Same thing applies.

Positive thoughts

02-02-16, 15:05
*hugs* I'm in similar shoes as you. In fact, I'm about to leave in a few minutes to go see my gynecologist for my yearly check up. About 2 weeks ago I found a dent in my breast and it was had me in shear panic. :hugs:

02-02-16, 15:07
Thanks fishmanpa that's made me have a little chuckle . It's true I know , and my logical mind knows this , but it's like I have a little voice telling me "what if your wrong " x

---------- Post added at 15:07 ---------- Previous post was at 15:06 ----------

Leslie good luck keep us posted xx

07-02-16, 17:10
You're not alone , i worry too about the big C, a few months back i found what i can only describe as a grain of hard rice in my right breast on the side , then on the other side an identical lump , i thought both the same i am fine . Then last Wednesday i noticed a red spot looks like a boil appearing on top of the lump, but now the lump has gone and the spot got bigger yesterday , i did see my doctor who said he wasn't concerned and i thought that's great news, then yesterday when it got bigger i started panicking .It looked like an insect bite, anyway last night i had to go to A&E for chronic back pain and i had to ask again if it was okay and the doctor said looking at that it isn't anything sinister,, so i came home feeling better about that but the back ache is horrendous i nearly passed out as i collapsed when i got out of bed because the pain was so bad .