View Full Version : Fighting my anxiety knowing something IS actually wrong with me

02-02-16, 10:42
Hi all,

Iv been a member of this site for around 5 years, but due to a change of email I had to re register. The site has helped me through the worst of times. I cant believe im posting for help, as the last few years I felt I have been able to live with my anxiety and have instead been offering support.

Im posting for some advice/support/reassurance. Im having constant issues with what I believe is my bladder.

Id guess it started around a year ago. I used to work in a bar, and id feel an intense urge to urinate, even after I had just been. This mostly happened in work, and I put it down to anxiety.

Once I had qualified and changed jobs the symptoms dissapeared until september last year. I ended up in the doctors again and he sent a urine sample off to the hospital, which came back negative. However, 2 months later and the symptoms had not dissapeared. Through discussion, the doctor let slip that there had been traces of blood in my urine but he wasnt concerned. No infection, and apart from a borderline enzyme count in my liver, all bloods are fine. This obviously panicked me. 4 trips later, and 4 more positive traces of blood found, I was referred to urology, but the appointment is for 6 months time.

I went back to the doctor today, as my bladder is under constant pressure. If its poked, I get shooting pains. Although I dont wake at night, I get up and my bladder feels painful and so full, but I dont pass much urine. My urine is always almost dark coloured and smelly, no pain whilst urintaing though. I feel like I have lost the ablity to distinguish between needing a number 1 or 2. Its getting me so down and im in constant worry. The doc has now also referred me to have an ultra sound but god knows how long that will be.

Any advice would be grately recieved. Thank you

02-02-16, 15:51
How old are you? You could have a type of cystitis that is not caused by infection but due to a very irritated bladder. The only way of knowing is to get tests done to rule out anything else.

I have leaky kidneys and always am positive for blood in urine. I have had everything tested in the past 30 years the last thing 3 years ago being a camera in my bladder to rule out polyps which you can be born with. Nothing at all I have a very healthy bladder and kidneys but the kidneys have over large filters hence the blood in urine all the time.

My health authority has a one stop urology clinic and I waited less than 2 weeks for my appt and had all the tests done in one day.

Whilst its very unlikely that your problems are being caused by anything nasty its is badly affecting your quality of life. I personally would go back to GP and say how you are not prepared to wait months for tests. Find out how long your ultrasound will be ( ring the dept at the hospital asking for waiting time for you). Ask you GP what can be done to get your tests done alot quicker. If you are young then they will not be worried which will delay your appts.

Be nice but stand your ground with GP

02-02-16, 15:52
I always have blood in my urine samples, but only a trace amount, docs never worried about it as everything else seems fine

02-02-16, 17:10
thank you both for replying. I'm 31.

I have been back to the doctor on 6 occasions, but still no further. I have even called the urology department twice.
I never used to have pain in my bladder, just the urgency. The doctor recommended I started bladder training, which I did. And although my frequency has improved, I'm left with this aching and tender bladder. Which I'm guessing isn't helped at all with anxiety and the muscle tension.

Thank you again