View Full Version : Should no more today. Feeling scared.

02-02-16, 10:45
So have been having pain all around my liver area. Absolutely freaking out i have something serious. Got bloods done last thursday and got an appt today with doc so will probably find out whats wrong. I just feel ill with worry.

02-02-16, 17:06
How did it go?

02-02-16, 18:05
Blood results back, iron and vitamin d deficiency, she said white cell count was down slightly but she's not concerned as looking back at my history it has always been slightly low. As for the pain, she had a feel around my tummy and back, said it did feel a bit tender around ribcage, but again didn't seem too concerned. She is sending me for a chest x ray and also for an ultrasound just to make sure everything was OK. I'm guessing if there were serious problems with my liver something would have concerned her from the bloods and examinations?